
AivenMarine replied to Incorrect Login Verification email
Filling out an online form is proving a waste of time. EA are just creating a smokescreen to make you feel the problem is at your end. I bought FIFA 20 for the PS4 on the PS Store on 03/06/20. I ..
10:30 pm, June 8, 2020 Technical Issues

AivenMarine replied to Account hacked by
This is how the game downloaded for me. I have yet to play it because the EA server associates my account with a fake email address. EA have closed three of my cases so far and have asked the same que..
9:00 pm, June 9, 2020 Technical Issues

Ahsv_MessiX replied to Fifa 20 keeps crashing
same problem.. still EA didnt fix it mayn.. they wont cares pc... i just stopped playing , it crashed every 10mins of game F
11:30 pm, January 28, 2020 Technical Issues

Ahmedtime111 replied to Online seasons no opponent found
This problem is found just few days ago..After last update of fifa 20..Too hard to find opponent in division season mode .. while other modes go well..!!!
8:30 pm, February 2, 2020 Technical Issues

Ahmed-Aliraqi96 replied to Fifa Players-Iraq
@hmghost802 As an iraqi player I have to agree we have a very bad connection and delay while playing any mode in fifa as a veteran fifa player I demand from EA to solve our problem in iraq we have one..
5:00 pm, December 27, 2019 Technical Issues

AdyBlondu81 replied to Online friendlies PS4 does not work with 99% of friends. "Cannot connect"
I have the same problem
4:00 pm, March 24, 2020 Technical Issues

Adr1adr1 replied to Connection problems after patch 1.22
@devagol87 me too,i invite mods or someone that can help us to see on italian answer ea this problem...4 days and no one answer us....please help us...because we can't play
12:30 pm, June 14, 2020 Technical Issues

Adamdewar001 replied to 4 disconnects in a row in WL
@youbram Done the same thing with me all week in squad battles it’s shocking ain’t it !! Constant problem
7:00 pm, May 3, 2020 Technical Issues

AdaXZ10 replied to Fifa 20 keeps crashing
same problem.. still EA didnt fix it mayn.. they wont cares pc... i just stopped playing , it crashed every 10mins of game F
1:30 pm, December 28, 2019 Technical Issues

Aandrei1 replied to L2 Button changing the camera for GK in 3rd Person everytime
Hi! I have the same problem... Did you solve this issue?
9:00 pm, April 17, 2020 Technical Issues

ALee1410 replied to FIFA 20 Champions Edition does not launch, but demo works fine.
I have tried this and got the same problem. It is in the task manager and taking memory. There is no window on the taskbar to maximise. Demo still works with no issues. Origin says game..
2:30 pm, December 31, 2019 Technical Issues

ALINMIHAITAA replied to [Resolved] Companion & webapp connectivity issues
I got same problem on ps4 at 11:00 AM .
2:00 pm, January 23, 2020 Technical Issues

AJS-17 replied to Gameplay Responsiveness on November 6, 2019 12:30PM
gaz12321 wrote: » Decee wrote: » Am I the only one that don't get server problems? I get the old leggy game here and there but that's usually when EA decides to pit me against someone in Germany...
4:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

AJS-17 replied to EA_Andy? on November 6, 2019 12:30PM
gaz12321 wrote: » Decee wrote: » Am I the only one that don't get server problems? I get the old leggy game here and there but that's usually when EA decides to pit me against someone in Germany...
1:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

AAYKing replied to visuals problem
Are you really follow up my problem becasue I not one time send message who same question to you team also insight this visuals problem since has the fifa 16,fifa 17,fifa 18,fifa 19 and fifa 20I hope ..
3:30 am, April 27, 2020 Technical Issues

A7mad218 replied to Online friendlies not working - Co-Op seasons working fine.. same friend!
Hello @EA_Darko,thanks for your answer.I have checked the NAT status on both my Xbox and that of my friend, both were moderate or restricted, so we followed your directions and were able to have them ..
6:00 pm, May 2, 2020 Technical Issues

910599 replied to Disconnected from 2 draft finals and can’t get hold of an ea advisor
Yeah that’s all well and good mate but whatever the situation I shouldn’t be disconnecting from my opponent and then sign back in with no further problems whatever, and if that’s the case I shou..
5:30 pm, May 2, 2020 Technical Issues

7dreadful7 replied to Got banned - my account is disabled.
Hi Gustaf,and did EA resolve problem for you or not?because now I have totally the same issue.
8:30 pm, April 15, 2020 Technical Issues

77777slayer77777 replied to My game keeps freezing Xbox one fifa 20
HI I had fifa 19 on - had problem with freezing during the match ...tryied everything didnt helpSo i bought Xbox one with fifa 20 - Frezzes even worst !!!So please tell me whe you will fix that p..
2:30 pm, December 2, 2019 Technical Issues

5ova replied to Fifa 20 crashes after launching (Origin)
same problems guyzzz
7:00 pm, November 19, 2019 Technical Issues

531154 replied to EA won't give us answers "Delay" on November 6, 2019 7:41PM
Poland same ****. Scripted momentum crap game. Funny to see douglas costa running from the defender.._having 3\4 condition bar and u can feel how you costa instead of having 93 speed gets huge deaccel..
8:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

4arie replied to FIFA 20 freeze
I have same problem here.My FIFA 20 freeze at store....I always update the game n i play on my pc. ..
11:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

47rising replied to Ultimate Team is completely broken because of cheaters.We paying money for what?
EA Live chat support is just awesome. When you trying to contact them and telling about cheaters in FUT Drafts, they offer you a free FUT DRAFT TOKEN, they really think that it's all a "connection iss..
3:30 pm, June 2, 2020 Technical Issues

4678976 replied to Help
The same problem happened with me with the same pack
3:00 am, February 17, 2020 Technical Issues

386734901 replied to Can't get online Fifa 20 on a Switch
Thanks very much ive been haveing the problem to but thanks to you i fixed it. :0
3:30 am, January 14, 2020 Technical Issues

347679 replied to Can't join my friend's lobby
Were u able to fix the problem ?
1:00 am, March 19, 2020 Technical Issues

332268150 replied to I can't advance in squad battles
Yes, the problem was not solved even after I logged out and went back to the account
1:00 am, March 18, 2020 Technical Issues

26marios replied to Match start error (CAPTCHA)
I have the same problem too, i can log in and use the menus (SBCs, transfer market, etc) but i can't play any match (online or offline)... I tried multiple solutions for 4-5 hours now (unistalling &am..
10:00 pm, June 24, 2020 Technical Issues

26marios replied to Can't play FUT game cause of captcha challenge
Same here... can't even log in to ultimate team or the web app since yesterday... It seems that many PC users are experiencing exactly the same issue recently, so the problem is on EA's side... P..
12:00 pm, June 25, 2020 Technical Issues

23432dff replied to Division rivals fifa 20 opponent disconnect before game starts all time
2:00 am, December 23, 2019 Technical Issues

1proluka replied to Why is there an "@emltmp" email on my verification page for online options???
@Carlosdeguzmanj r Como lo solucionaste? Tengo el mismo problema.
2:30 pm, April 19, 2020 Technical Issues

1BIGTYLERS replied to [Squad Battles] - No Points for a win
@DylanHerrera1983 I had the same problems however mine was the chance of staying in elite 1 and it gave me 0 points therefore I won’t finish elite 1
8:30 pm, January 12, 2020 Technical Issues

19mzrf03 replied to Game crashes after scoring 3rd goal - PC FUT
@mladyvesini Was it a header goal? I have a problem like that. Game crashed two times after header goals.In dumps folder there is a xml file: crash_2020_3_20_17_41_11
3:00 pm, March 20, 2020 Technical Issues

19880724 replied to EA read this you need to do something about the input lag, it`s ruining the game
I have the same problem.I live in macau where a city nearby Hong Kong.I know ea have a server in hk,but it also have button lag happen on my fut wl/rival.I feel very upset that I have the perfect skil..
1:00 pm, November 22, 2019 Technical Issues

1936061986 replied to Connection between 150-250ms
About 4 or 5 days maybe because everyone is at home and playing games the connection speed is horrible, but after midnights it is ok which means the problem is not me or any other player, u really nee..
5:30 pm, March 27, 2020 Technical Issues

15eazy15 replied to FIFA 20 Ultimate team menus constantly freezing
@shaheen756 Me too i have the same problem and it’s frustrating
12:30 am, November 16, 2019 Technical Issues

11hch replied to DNF - fut champions game
i was winning 4-0 with 10 mins to go and disconnects me off of ea servers. Wasn't my fault because i've got wired connection and never had a problem before until i get kicked off their servers and tak..
1:00 am, January 11, 2020 Technical Issues

10Senfo replied to Ultimate Team Freeze after game finishes
same problem.... help.
9:00 pm, November 13, 2019 Technical Issues

10875699 replied to Can’t connect to Fifa FUT 20 companion
I have got the same problem , it tells me to log in on console , so i do , then re-login on the app , which i do then it asks the same !I have got the same account up on both app and console yet i won..
2:00 pm, April 19, 2020 Technical Issues

0Woei replied to FUT championship lag
@guyzinoWe all have this issue. There have been multiple complaints about this. Even when i'm playing against an opponent in my region with stable connection, there still is unbearable lag. EA, u..
1:00 pm, March 27, 2020 Technical Issues

0760426531 replied to Card sale - missing coins
hi i expeirenced the problem the is an auto correct price on the web app too because it happend to me also when i was listing ian wright 87 rated icon for min 197 000 then 205 000 BIN but it changed i..
9:00 am, February 12, 2020 Technical Issues

07522142127 replied to We are sorry but there has been an error connecting to FIFA 20 Ultimate Team.
Hello, After my account was suspended and reactivated for security reason, i cant join in FUT the chat advisor says the servers are down , but no, i just got this problem.Please help me. ..
11:30 am, April 1, 2020 Technical Issues

007jamesp replied to Career Mode Randomly Crashing to Desktop
I have the same problem. Already tried fixing the game, all drivers are up-to-date. FIFA keeps crashing to desktop before I can even start a match. I didn't have any (technical) issues before the upda..
10:30 am, November 13, 2019 Technical Issues

-bondeNcs replied to Input Delay PC
@Pelimistanblue wrote:Im facing all the issues you mentioned. Believe me it is not about your controller. We have a highly active topic here about input delay but no fix. We couldnt get an answer..
8:30 am, November 22, 2019 Technical Issues

-MaDraDeuS- replied to After the update on 11/19/2019 in the Ghost Career instead of emoticons.
And what to do with this problem? Since the release of the game, there have been many bugs in the career. Something was fixed with patches.He began his career for the third time. Already at least..
5:03 pm, November 20, 2019 Technical Issues