
eggielfc replied to Button delay unplayable
Wired my connection is good and easy contact said my game is fine but gave me a 100 steps advanced trouble shooting steps which is very complex
6:30 pm, April 24, 2020 Technical Issues

edmanlee replied to Unfair Match Up Divisions, pls fix
Players deliberately drop down divisions to complete objectives e.g. the current summer heat items. ea has done seemingly nothing to combat that. I've played most of THIS fifa in div.6 (previous ..
12:30 am, July 4, 2020 Technical Issues

edmanlee replied to Massive lag
If you've got decent internet, use a wired connection, have forwarded all ports and have little network traffic, there is nothing more you can do. EA support will continue to claim their servers are e..
8:00 am, December 7, 2019 Technical Issues

davidejan replied to Connection problems after patch 1.22
same for me: absolutely unplayable atm
1:00 pm, June 14, 2020 Technical Issues

danspencer1 replied to Account hacked. Please help
Did you manage to get your player back?My club got hacked and they sold all of my trade-able players pretty much above 77 rating, they also sold over 200 contracts and squad fitnesses, rendering the g..
10:00 am, June 18, 2020 Technical Issues

daniodranio replied to Online Draft unplayable on PC
No, it sounds like your game is broken since it's been released and Draft is the only fun mode that you have in this game and... well, now it's more broken then ever. Great game, really, so great..
11:30 pm, May 31, 2020 Technical Issues

cybere199230 replied to Lag (100%) and script ?
@Gouleador I have the same problem I got 11 lose because of this we paying money for the game but don't get playable game this joke.
6:00 pm, January 5, 2020 Technical Issues

christinegoxo replied to Button delay making game unplayable
it's happening on wired and wireless It's happening in lots of games and to lot's of gamers so I doubt it's a connection issue and how could connection effect my goalkeeper
11:30 pm, April 16, 2020 Technical Issues

cantonagod replied to Anyone elses delay worse than usual today? on November 9, 2019 12:47PM
I never moan about the servers but it’s awful last night and today - totally unplayable But what good will moaning do guys - EA don’t listen and will not change or fix anything
1:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

calum769 replied to Fut champs is a joke this weekend
Same mate, I’ve felt delayed/unresponsive about 2 weeks. Delayed turning/dribbling, occasional speed up lag last weekend even on a wired fibre connection. These servers are a complete joke, it’s v..
3:30 pm, May 2, 2020 Technical Issues

builes13 replied to Career mode still unplayable
you neeeed repair your game and all will get correctly few time ea make a bigg * fault
6:30 pm, November 23, 2019 Technical Issues

bigGucciso5a300 replied to Awful game play lately
It is completely unplayable, i cant get through the first half without wanting to change games, in the midst of the world trying to self isolate this is the gameplay we’re having to play, i think th..
10:30 pm, March 19, 2020 Technical Issues

beo21 replied to [PC] Input Delay 2-3s & not playable on 2080 Super 144hz GSYNC
sorry and again this AWESOME alt+tab bug .... i cannot tab anythign cause both my hands are on the controller88th min 5:1 for me and why the hell shall i press anythin to switch view sorry EA thi..
5:00 pm, May 5, 2020 Technical Issues

beo21 replied to Fifa 20 on pc stuttering even at 260fps
@friendlyman33Hi mate,can u please provide more where and how to solve the problem.Since last patch for me the game is unplayable with massive 2s input delay and stuttering.Also is am on 144hz gsync M..
8:00 pm, May 4, 2020 Technical Issues

beo21 replied to Division Rivals unplayable due to slowdown and button
Good obi thought its me ... bad again for doing rivals or competitive games atm anyone else on pc experiences the same ? germany here it’s a mess to play and yes 2-3 sec delay from click b..
10:30 pm, May 4, 2020 Technical Issues

bastionko replied to Fifa is only for American and European
I am from europe and here is also unplayable.
7:30 pm, November 15, 2019 Technical Issues

bastionko replied to Fifa 20 servers list and location
In Serbia ping is like your in Romania, i have 111ms, and it is unplayable, all from ea know that but doing nothing about that, i can only say that all from ea not like us, i know that, because i see ..
1:00 pm, January 5, 2020 Technical Issues

bainaar replied to Do you want an explanation from EA regarding in game delay? on November 7, 2019 8:19PM
YesJust tried a game of squad battles, slow and horribly delayed gameplay.. could barely string 2 passes together but the AI were running around at 300mph pinging first touch passes all over the pitch..
8:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

audirs6boy replied to Too fast gameplay in fut
Hi I’m having the same issue. The game is unplayable. I have a 4 million coin team and i can’t even enjoy playing the game anymore. It’s awful. It’s not my internet or my problem because I’v..
12:00 am, November 22, 2019 Technical Issues

anths13apex replied to Every time I connect to the internet via mobile hotspot no online match playable
hello again @EA_Cade please find attached what you asked of me,I still am not able to play,thank you for your patience, please provide me with a possible solutionregards,Anthony ..
10:00 pm, March 19, 2020 Technical Issues

abstracto9 replied to Career mode still unplayable
@EA_Cade just if you were wondering, it happens in every league every time, the picture shows the gave after 12 games (you can compare with the real life one and see that de actual top team would..
7:00 pm, November 23, 2019 Technical Issues

abc812599973 replied to Player career UNPLAYABLE!!!!!!
@schoolpassword be careful with your words before you get a ban for calling out sarcasm mate. I really do love this ea staff. Because they really do reply to us and answer out questions and bring..
11:30 am, November 25, 2019 Technical Issues

Zodelo replied to FIFA 20 Corrupted Data PS4
Hello, I bought EA Access so i could have the 10 hours of playable time and everytime i download the trial FIFA 20 it downloads but when it opens, the ps4 closes the app saying the data is corrup..
11:30 am, March 7, 2020 Technical Issues

Zlatan1101 replied to Tournament Mode Keeps Crashing Fifa 20 Vol.2
@picklechops1 Please post it at the bug section, hopefully someone will look into it. I have posted it now with copa libertadores that is unplayable. Since this is a new addition it might be they will..
12:30 pm, March 27, 2020 Technical Issues

Xx_BlingBull3t replied to FIFA 20 Create a Player issues
EA seriously need to fix this issue, it just takes from the experience and drops the fun factor, career honestly just needs a big update sometime soon, before December / January making it more playabl..
6:00 am, November 21, 2019 Technical Issues

WarrenBarton replied to Why is Squad Battles so mindnumbingly boring? on November 6, 2019 9:56PM
Yeah it’s the worst, Fifa 18 sb’s was kinda playable but last and this year it’s the absolute worst.
10:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Warlock1 replied to Incredible button delay on rivals and WL!!! Dont buy this game!!! on September 29, 2019 5:28PM
unplayable. inacceptable. PUSH! Fix the Servers ffs
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

As you simply able to unsync your game because they have NO memory protection at all. EA's fault.
1:30 am, March 31, 2020 Technical Issues

VARD67876 replied to EA has reduced the number of servers for fifa 20. on October 10, 2019 4:41AM
Pablofsi05 wrote: » NornIron wrote: » Retro_G wrote: » NornIron wrote: » Retro_G wrote: » NornIron wrote: » Apparently removed the irish one too I dont think it ever worked but it was..
1:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

V l u m s d e n replied to This is UNPLAYABLE ! on October 18, 2019 3:05PM
lalalaala wrote: » What the f u c k is this ? This is the worst ever that this game ever been , Today is totally unplayable , Slow game play , players dont run , you cant pass , its a total mess ! ..
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

UsefulBacchus9 replied to Center Asia xbox FUT server is dead?
It’s been a week that only two or three signals when connecting Central Asia service. The game is unplayable. Prior to the latest title update, it was always 4.Hope EA can look into the issue and fi..
2:00 pm, January 29, 2020 Technical Issues

Tynnfrutti replied to This is UNPLAYABLE ! on October 18, 2019 3:28PM
DunB wrote: » lalalaala wrote: » What the f u c k is this ? This is the worst ever that this game ever been , Today is totally unplayable , Slow game play , players dont run , you cant pass , its..
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

TygrrFUT replied to Transfer market access
@EA_Darko Ok, elaborate. What exactly do I need to do, as I mentioned above, I’ve played literally every playable mode, done everything I possibly can imagine. I’ve even played all offline modes, ..
4:30 pm, December 19, 2019 Technical Issues

Twitch_isaacyyy replied to Online Draft unplayable on PC
Joke of a company, we are 10 months in and still nothing has been done. I've had this happen in I believe 4/5 of my last drafts. Impossible to play the mode.
2:00 am, June 10, 2020 Technical Issues

Torn4do replied to Gameplay this weekend deserves an apology from EA on November 10, 2019 11:55AM
Just had one game in FUT champs and turned the machine off midway through as it’s unplayable, clearly the other side is fine as they are sharp passing, turning well, shooting hard, when I go for a t..
12:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

TinosaFC replied to lag , button delay etc etc.
I gave up to play Dvisions Rival and Weekend League. Bro i can't even play Squad Battle. Even Squad Battle is lagging. When i got the ball my game play turn out to be heavy very quickly. 93 Neymar can..
3:30 am, April 17, 2020 Technical Issues

TheTataGuy replied to Fifa 19 is better than fifa 20 on November 9, 2019 4:34PM
Bouboe112 wrote: » You are spot on with this OP ! At least fifa 19 was fun. This slow, sluggish piece of crap is unplayable. Its november and im also done So fun ping pong passing, 180 timed shots..
5:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

TheKillers246 replied to This is UNPLAYABLE ! on October 18, 2019 3:03PM
silverdale10 wrote: » Today has been the worst I've experienced this FIFA.
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

TheBenson replied to Fitness card ERROR when buying. on November 8, 2019 12:48AM
I've just tried the same process with contract cards... Buy off the wheel via squad, it takes my coins and the screen freezes... Same thing off transfer tab. Buy the item takes my coins and no item...
1:00 am, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Tavman180 replied to Base Zidane - what a disappointment. on November 4, 2019 11:11PM
Got sniper on him in a 442 and hes unplayable... for my opponents. H/M 5/5 99 finishing. Best striker on the game and doesn't need a pace boost. Too many people look to add pace to cards.
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Tarangire replied to Im constantly getting alt+tab out of my game for no reason.
Same here! FIFA20 is unplayable and I keep getting DNF ratings in FUT.
1:30 am, April 22, 2020 Technical Issues

Tarangire replied to Fifa 20 alt tab
This just started happening to me too after the latest Origin update. Fifa20 is unplayable and I keep getting DNF ratings in my FUT. Very frustrating.
1:30 am, April 22, 2020 Technical Issues

SydneyFC replied to How many of you actually play the 30 games? on November 10, 2019 9:34AM
played all games until the latest patch, game is unplayable, stop at 14 now
10:00 am, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Str8hii replied to Stolen from Reddit yet worthy of discussion - FUT revenues are up by 40%!!! on November 6, 2019 4:59PM
I spent 20 at the start of the game and havent bought single fp since usually i spend 200-300 on it . There is no point of building a team when game is unplayable
5:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Str8hii replied to Fut championship
@super_superstar Its not that once you go past 5 wins you start getting matched up with people who live far away and they get connectivity advantage , passing starts getting delayed , players start to..
4:00 pm, March 28, 2020 Technical Issues

Str8hii replied to Experiencing latency
@dariogieselaar According to them its just you but in reality input delay and sluggish game play complaints are all over ea help , ea forum , youtube, reddit ,twitter etc. Game is unplayable 5 days in..
11:00 pm, December 11, 2019 Technical Issues

Stevo_CT replied to Wtf is up with passing accross the box? on November 6, 2019 3:06PM
The game has become boring and one dimensional. Most other avenues of scoring have less to zero chance of ending in a goal, (crosses, long range shots, edge of box shots, creative goals). Basically, ..
3:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Spoli2001lms replied to fifa 20 player career mode skill moves not working anymore on ps4
@Demorgan7 It’s been ages since the game came out and this was a problem since day one, multiple updates later and still nothing. Makes the game unplayable and I’m very disappointed
5:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

SomeNextGuy replied to Ur not playing against the player, but EA on November 9, 2019 10:41AM
My first three games this WL were dire, unplayable. My last five have been decent. Lost the first three, won four of the last five. I knew from my first pass in the first few games that I couldn't w..
11:00 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

SomeNextGuy replied to SORT OUT THIS STUPID GAMEPLAY on November 8, 2019 8:11PM
My first three games were dire, my last five have been decent. Lost the first three, won four of the last five. I knew from my first pass in the first few games that I couldn't win. One of my wins ..
8:30 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion