
Selgarr replied to Record Breaker's RTG: 20 Seasons (Kit Help) on September 21, 2019 1:09PM
I just noticed that Cristiano Ronaldo has 1,004 appearances. Does anyone think he will overtake Peter Shilton who has the most career appearances with 1,390? I don't think he will because although he..
8:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Seimon replied to How is Your WL Going? on October 19, 2019 1:40PM
If you are being paid then you are a pro gamer otherwise you are not a pro gamer
12:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Seanregal replied to Politano Objectives brings out the worst in this community on November 6, 2019 5:51PM
I've done my share of helping out. But on Sunday i got 4 requests for help thats a hour of my game time gone i dont really care about getting a free win. Sometimes i just want a match. I also think us..
6:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Seandimes replied to SB why do we even bother.... on November 5, 2019 3:05PM
Liz_The_W1z wrote: » Sb is easy coins and packs. If you play 4 games a day Mon-Friday on legendary and win you get 35k and 2 mega packs I can barely bring myself to do the Icon swap SB objectives,..
3:30 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Seandimes replied to Politano tip needed. on November 4, 2019 10:07AM
rankon. wrote: » Pooter wrote: » GoodnightIrene wrote: » Pooter wrote: » rankon. wrote: » Pooter wrote: » rankon. wrote: » Pooter wrote: » rankon. wrote: » I started in divis..
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Seandimes replied to Over 2mil worth of upgrades - how did it change my WL results? on November 9, 2019 11:11PM
The jump from the decent gold players to the high end ones isn't that big. The only ones where the cards alone carry you to wins are the top end cards like vieira, gullit and the usual other suspects
11:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Seandimes replied to Joe Gomez requirements... on November 8, 2019 7:36PM
Price seems fair. Has one upgrade guaranteed, and at least another one very likely
8:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Seandimes replied to 5212 is the best formation on the game on November 9, 2019 9:32PM
Salvatori wrote: » Hmmm interestin. Played on a bit, and got as far as 5 wins in a row using this. What is noticeable is that it is much more stable defensively. Here are my results from 10 games be..
10:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

SeanP92 replied to Never Received Objective Reward
Hi @ EA_Cade. I completed all 6 games but for some reason it never registered the last two. The season was supposed to finish at 6pm but by the time I completed my 6th win at around 5.45pm ..
9:30 pm, January 22, 2020 Technical Issues

SeaRs_GS replied to Disconnecting from EA servers continiously
i've been having the same problem for almost 3 weeks. i did everything. nothing changed. talking to ea by live chat everyday they do nothing just standart steps. don't know what to do. and i'm sure it..
10:00 am, April 23, 2020 Technical Issues

Scotty11705 replied to Me and my friend cannot play in friendlies mode in FUT and in normal game.
@EA_Atic I am also unable to join one of my friends games as when I go to join it never loads me in to the game but this works with all of my other friends
11:30 am, April 14, 2020 Technical Issues

ScotterG123 replied to Icon swaps III "The Champions" objective not registering
After winning a third game today, which also didn't register, I spoke with another employee on the webchat who again was pleasant enough couldn't solve the issue or give me any form of compensat..
12:00 am, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Scorpalix replied to Disconnected from two FUT Champs games this weekend whilst winning...
It's happening in the draft as well now, I've lost 2 drafts in a row from a comfortable winning position because they've just forced the glitch. The game is basically unplayable - lost 5 games th..
11:00 pm, February 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Salvatori replied to What the actual........What am i supposed to do...... on November 9, 2019 1:29AM
Aye, if only my 1m coin Mbappe could finish like that at the other end
1:30 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Salvatori replied to Really struggling to defend online on November 5, 2019 3:03AM
Put some vids up of yoru gameplay if you want actual help. Its the only way, otherwise you are just getting generic help which may or may not relate to what your issue actually is. There is no single..
3:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Salvatori replied to La liga rb on November 5, 2019 12:05PM
Its a bit of a dead position the RB in La Liga. I used Carvajal for a while but he got done for pace too often, even with Shaddow, a pacey winger could just jink to the outside and spint with double t..
12:30 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Salvatori replied to Game is booring. Pros can't even score!! on November 9, 2019 1:11PM
I had it on in the background (hoping for some pack drop or something) and glanced now and then. Saw one game, i assume they play 2 legs as they were showing that it was 6-5 on aggregate, whilst the ..
1:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Salvatori replied to Fitness glitch/cheat on November 7, 2019 12:49AM
It is visual though in the screen you are looking. AI players not playing in a way which reflects stamina is another issue / question, but if you look at that screen after any game, it will look the s..
1:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Salvatori replied to 5212 is the best formation on the game on November 9, 2019 9:53PM
Seandimes wrote: » Salvatori wrote: » Hmmm interestin. Played on a bit, and got as far as 5 wins in a row using this. What is noticeable is that it is much more stable defensively. Here are my re..
10:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Salvatori replied to 5212 is the best formation on the game on November 9, 2019 8:59PM
Hmmm interestin. Played on a bit, and got as far as 5 wins in a row using this. What is noticeable is that it is much more stable defensively. Here are my results from 10 games before (using 4222) and..
9:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Salvatori replied to 5212 is the best formation on the game on November 10, 2019 3:32AM
Renamed123456 wrote: » Salvatori wrote: » Hmmm interestin. Played on a bit, and got as far as 5 wins in a row using this. What is noticeable is that it is much more stable defensively. Here are m..
4:00 am, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Saiber_Summia replied to Someone on November 9, 2019 1:00PM
HeronnnnnnN wrote: » You're asking someone to spend their OWN time building YOU a simple team and you don't even say please? Mala tempora currunt. Indeed, just another little uneducated kid 🙈 ..
1:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Safehands84 replied to Those who will pick the base icon pack...get in here on November 7, 2019 3:48PM
D0lvl wrote: » Does this graphic summarize the chance of getting a 'usable' player? Still worth the gamble? You've highlighted Wright, why not just take his prime and save yourself 2 tokens, ca..
4:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Safehands84 replied to The 3 ucl player pack SBC on November 10, 2019 6:48PM
Muslera, aurier and Brazilian lw fro lille, yuk. Wasnt going to bother but have some packs backed up with dupes , little did I know they've started selling like hot cakes
7:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Safehands84 replied to If you were to only have about 20 swap tokens at the end on November 7, 2019 12:48AM
Jilshie_11 wrote: » Just a quick question on the whole Icon Swaps thing... Will the current objectives for the Icon Swaps stay until the first batch of icons is done, or will more icon swaps be offe..
1:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Safehands84 replied to Getting kicked out of games on November 10, 2019 11:09AM
BiigDee wrote: » Could be something to do with the thread on here about throttling where people lower their net signal to cause lag for the opponents. I don’t understand it all but it’s a possib..
11:30 am, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Safehands84 replied to Best GK in this years fifa? on November 5, 2019 7:33AM
I've used 4 keepers in total. Ter Stegen and handanovic were both decent. Lloris was awful, although when I've played against him hes been mega might be person moving him where as I'm getting old I fo..
8:00 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Safehands84 replied to Best BPL potm sbc ever? on November 8, 2019 4:48PM
NoAnother vote for son
5:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Sa1NT replied to I’m loving Tekkz right now... on November 9, 2019 11:35PM
I think if PES or any other game could rival Fifa Ultimate Team then FIFA would worry a lot more than they do right now as 'they' have 'a lot' of unhappy consumers. However unfortunately they dont or ..
12:00 am, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

SStubbs88 replied to Cursed account on November 6, 2019 9:48AM
Ive just opened a premium gold players pack from one of the marque matchups and the highest is 76 rated. I don’t think i’ve ever seen one worse. 12 players all 76 and 75 rated wow. I don’t know ..
10:00 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

SPN1987 replied to Im at a complete and utter Fifa low on November 7, 2019 12:49PM
Deano2508 wrote: » I just can’t play this game anymore, I’ve always been a div1 player but right now I’m in div4 and still losing almost every game. I don’t understand what’s happened sin..
1:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

SPN1987 replied to I've Lost All Belief In Myself on November 7, 2019 1:44PM
BiigDee wrote: » Same here, I’m no great player but know when things are stacked against me. This years has been pushed towards fast players, cutbacks in the box and constant high pressure. Every ..
2:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

SPN1987 replied to I've Lost All Belief In Myself on November 7, 2019 1:32PM
Vanch wrote: » I wasn't going to post this due to the toxic comments I might receive, but if you could just hold off (as tempting as it is), I'd appreciate it, as it's embarassing enough and I alrea..
2:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

SPN1987 replied to EA fix Delay!!! on November 7, 2019 1:13PM
You honestly think this will help? Delay has been there since 5+ years now. It actually has become the standard. Just because we as a community allow EA to get away with everything. Why the **** would..
1:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

SJR440 replied to Did you guys decided which icons you are going to take ? on November 7, 2019 7:17AM
Nope, still can't decide. Got untradable Mbappe who is incredible so can't see point in getting one of the strikers. Got Eriksen and Scream Ozil so can't see point in getting Hagi. And got Laporte ..
7:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

SAF_Woxo replied to We are sorry but there has been an error connecting to FIFA 20 Ultimate Team.
@Reddevilev It happends with me to im able to play all other online damemodell but not ultimate team
2:00 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

S-Dog replied to 💯⚽Top 5 high end forwards? ⚽💯 on November 9, 2019 5:24PM
IF Mane makes the top 5 100% Cr7 and Messi are 1 & 2 outside icons, dont let anyone tell you otherwise
3:30 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

S-Dog replied to Top 5 high end forwards? on November 9, 2019 5:24PM
IF Mane makes the top 5 100% Cr7 and Messi are 1 & 2 outside icons, dont let anyone tell you otherwise
5:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

S-Dog replied to Top 5 high end forwards? DrogbA? on November 9, 2019 5:24PM
IF Mane makes the top 5 100% Cr7 and Messi are 1 & 2 outside icons, dont let anyone tell you otherwise
10:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

S-Dog replied to Baby R9 an upgrade over CR7? on November 9, 2019 2:42PM
So I had CR7 and Baby R9 as my strike partnership over the past few weeks, don't listen to people saying CR7 is done this year, he's still amazing. Baby R9 is far better than he was last year, I lite..
3:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Rucci replied to FIFA 20 most boring game of all ? on November 6, 2019 10:21AM
18 was much better than 19 and 20 together, u could alway break this ptb users easy with good timed driven , now even if u hit green u shoot out of the stadium every game is the same 99% 10 man behind..
10:30 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Royalwhite replied to Inception xxx on November 9, 2019 10:15AM
Dronegan wrote: » He might be whiny but he is 100% right though. We all are football junkies that why we keep playing. If this was a random FPS game that was this bad we would just move to annother..
10:30 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Roobar replied to Gameplay Responsiveness on November 6, 2019 2:22PM
I really think a lot of the people who think they don't get the delay do don't realise it or think it's something else. I've had a mate for ages who has said he doesn't get the delay etc and I went r..
4:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Roobar replied to EA_Andy? on November 6, 2019 2:22PM
I really think a lot of the people who think they don't get the delay do don't realise it or think it's something else. I've had a mate for ages who has said he doesn't get the delay etc and I went r..
2:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Roobar replied to Does anyone feel lag compensation works differently in Rival and Fut Champs? on November 6, 2019 10:10PM
Just posted in another thread but will also keep posting here! It feels awful, not sure how anybody is enjoying this, wanted to play tonight for rivals rewards but it's just not worth it
10:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Ronaldo replied to SB why do we even bother.... on November 5, 2019 6:03PM
You seem like a pretty bad player tbh.
6:30 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Ronaldo replied to People complain about EA what about the UEFA on November 5, 2019 11:32PM
FUT_Moe wrote: » Mrhey31 wrote: » FUT_Moe wrote: » lol it's funny how you're all trying to comfort each other. Bad calls were made both ways, and also correct decisions were made as well. Fans..
12:00 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Ronaldo replied to Accidentally quick sold Neymar on web app on November 5, 2019 2:55PM
TopBinz wrote: » Lots of toxic people in this forum - anyway, an update - EA help has politely told me to **** off as they cannot verify any lost in-game assets. Fair enough I suppose, but why bothe..
3:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Roc_Xel replied to New players' honeymoon on November 8, 2019 12:12PM
Any others have experienced that and may have some kind of explanation ?
12:30 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Robmu22 replied to Pretend listening to customers, and then secretly undid the game patch for gameplay resonsiveness on November 10, 2019 1:03AM
AlwaysDisappointed wrote: » Chriswhiteisright wrote: » Eric18 wrote: » BorussenBernie09 wrote: » Thank you OP! That's exactly what I'm asking myself: where did they actually improve anythin..
1:30 am, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion