mway replied to Ai defending on November 9, 2019 5:00AM
It´s great. The other guy is not even controlling his full-back, you send a through ball, the full-back is running in the opposite direction trying to catch the wing and without watching the ball he ..
5:30 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
jdorchard36 replied to Can't Connect to servers, not the freezing issue.
Seems like everyone having this issue is on the east coast. Can play Madden just fine. Yet they just seem to be ignoring our complaints, for whatever reason I confirmed my 2,000 points for weekend lea..
3:30 pm, December 13, 2019 Technical Issues
gatoloco_foreve replied to Disconneting Mid game.
I simply can’t accept that if you get disconnected by any reason, you automatically have to count that game as a 0-3 loss in FUT. I can understand that you don’t automatically get the win, but get..
1:00 am, March 3, 2020 Technical Issues
davechs2005 replied to Port forwarding
@ZzSam98zZ Sure do! Quit playing the game. Horrible online game play is partially to do with stuff like input delay but a lot of it is the animations. You either get used to it and adjust or quit play..
2:00 am, November 25, 2019 Technical Issues
davechs2005 replied to Delayed player movement
I get this problem too and it is sporadic. Like weekend league was mostly bad then the last 10-12 games the game played smooth. Tonight my first rivals game was some of the worst delay I’ve seen in ..
6:30 am, November 19, 2019 Technical Issues
TwinsBroJedi replied to Problems connecting XBox account to EA
Yes, the account does have Xbox Gold Live. When we try to go online with FIFA or NHL is when we get the message. He can play the offline items with no problem. On the PS4 h..
3:30 pm, June 24, 2020 Technical Issues
ShardsofGlass79 replied to My game keeps freezing Xbox one fifa 20
I have the same issue. Game crashes at least once in every session I use it. Sometimes it takes three restarts to get into a game. Having a similar issue with Madden 20. Can not replicate this issue o..
6:30 am, December 12, 2019 Technical Issues
PhincHInoculuM replied to Cheating in FIFA 20 PC
Spot on with all of this folks. There are a variety of mods and hacks that people are using here and it’s obvious. That coupled with the incorrect pack percentages, and money spent, I definitely des..
7:00 am, December 17, 2019 Technical Issues
ItsMadXtheGamer replied to This account is invalid - Madden 20
@ItsMadXtheGamer I deleted the saved data and downloaded it again and it still has the same problem.
6:30 am, April 27, 2020 Technical Issues
EA_Blueberry replied to No longer have access to EA/Origin account linked to PSN
@AlexOb20 Hey there! I hope you were able to update your account details by now and wanted to shed a little light on the situation you went through. Our contact volumes are abnormally high right ..
9:00 pm, December 1, 2019 Technical Issues
CjayWynn replied to Can’t play international tournaments FIFA20
@AFPuerta My attempt to give EA the benefit of the doubt during a pandemic and desire to fill my free time with sports only for the experience to be ruined by in inexcusable glitch. Its the equivalent..
8:00 pm, July 2, 2020 Technical Issues
Bobbyjoe12yoda replied to ps4 “you enter a blocked screen” Can’t connect to servers
I am having this issue with Madden 20 and NHL. Any fix?
3:00 pm, April 1, 2020 Technical Issues