
TheBerryman69 replied to Icon swap Conmebol squad did not count my wins
Yeah I have just done the same, won 2 matches and its not registering for the Icon Swaps but i'm getting objectives for other challenges.
11:00 pm, April 25, 2020 Technical Issues

Stejens replied to How many of you actually play the 30 games? on November 10, 2019 12:44PM
Lkane wrote: » Stejens wrote: » I play 60 across 2 accs. Usually as a test to see if the 'bigger' team does better than the cheaper team. Roughly same results on both around gold 3. Please tell..
1:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Staxdoobie replied to How did you complete the lofted cross challenge? on November 10, 2019 9:33PM
L1 and square. And about 4 (lost) matches of spamming the hell out of it.
10:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Staxdoobie replied to Best way to win at squad battles? on November 6, 2019 12:05PM
CheekyFreakOfTheWeek wrote: » The changes to Legendary Difficulty 2-3 weeks ago has destroyed any enjoyment of this Mode for me. Look at all the complaints on this Forum alone - Revert the changes ..
12:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Sodan70 replied to Relegating yourself on November 7, 2019 1:06AM
Mill1 wrote: » Killing the game mate. "Objectives in div 2 is incredibly difficult" ITS MEANT TO BE HARDER IN HIGHER DIVISIONS THAT'S WHY YOU GO HIGHER WHEN YOU WIN. I know this is has al..
1:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

SnuggleNinja12 replied to FIFA 20 freezes during offline matches every single time a goal is scored (XBOX)
Just tried that, still doing the same thing, albeit the freezing isn't lasting as long, but I have a feeling that it's just gonna revert to how it was before soon enough. Thanks for your reply, t..
4:00 pm, November 17, 2019 Technical Issues

SgtPepper2020 replied to We can't play friendly matches together
We have a similar problem with my friend on PS4. We played FIFA 19 without any problem. Now we can play coop without problem. However, when I invite him to game (friendly match online), the game crash..
8:00 am, December 19, 2019 Technical Issues

Selgarr replied to Record Breaker's RTG: 20 Seasons (video intro) on September 22, 2019 6:37PM
I have simulated the first season and removed the results for my club Selgarr. I will update the table after I have played the Division Rivals matches. Between now and the RTG starting I will tr..
7:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Selgarr replied to Record Breaker's RTG: 20 Seasons (video intro) on September 21, 2019 1:09PM
I just noticed that Cristiano Ronaldo has 1,004 appearances. Does anyone think he will overtake Peter Shilton who has the most career appearances with 1,390? I don't think he will because although he..
7:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Selgarr replied to Record Breaker's RTG: 20 Seasons (video intro) on September 19, 2019 8:56PM
Club (2019-2020) Season 1 Matches Friendly July 2019: Selgarr - Liverpool Friendly July 2019: Paris Saint-Germain - Selgarr Friendly July 2019: Selgarr - AC Milan Friendly August 2019: Bayern Mun..
7:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Selgarr replied to Record Breaker's RTG: 20 Seasons (video intro) on October 4, 2019 5:47AM
I have decided that I am going to change some of the players in my team. Players like Tousart, Amian and Firpo are too low rated and I think I will need higher rated and better players to be able to c..
7:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Selgarr replied to Record Breaker's RTG: 20 Seasons (Kit Help) on September 22, 2019 6:37PM
I have simulated the first season and removed the results for my club Selgarr. I will update the table after I have played the Division Rivals matches. Between now and the RTG starting I will tr..
8:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Selgarr replied to Record Breaker's RTG: 20 Seasons (Kit Help) on September 21, 2019 1:09PM
I just noticed that Cristiano Ronaldo has 1,004 appearances. Does anyone think he will overtake Peter Shilton who has the most career appearances with 1,390? I don't think he will because although he..
8:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Selgarr replied to Record Breaker's RTG: 20 Seasons (Kit Help) on September 19, 2019 8:56PM
Club (2019-2020) Season 1 Matches Friendly July 2019: Selgarr - Liverpool Friendly July 2019: Paris Saint-Germain - Selgarr Friendly July 2019: Selgarr - AC Milan Friendly August 2019: Bayern Mun..
8:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Selgarr replied to Record Breaker's RTG: 20 Seasons (Kit Help) on October 4, 2019 5:47AM
I have decided that I am going to change some of the players in my team. Players like Tousart, Amian and Firpo are too low rated and I think I will need higher rated and better players to be able to c..
8:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ScorpiASBG replied to Constant disconnects in fut champs
Finished my last game and the total times I got disconnected is WHOPPING 7 (SEVEN).1 disconnect I was up 7 goals and in the 85th minute2 disconnects I was up 4 goals and in the second half1 disc..
10:30 pm, June 7, 2020 Technical Issues

SamiiiNazzal replied to STILL KEEP DISCONNECTING ME!!!
I have the same damn issue, contacted them 3 times, useless, literally every 3 out of 4 matches disconnects, i have the best wifi in the country and using cable too, all my efforts and challenges wast..
11:00 pm, April 28, 2020 Technical Issues

S04_und_der_FCT replied to How is potm Vardy? on November 9, 2019 7:05PM
Played some matches with Vardy and he haven't played well. I prefer Rashford instead of vardy potm
7:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Renamed123456 replied to Am I the only one that couldn't give a flying ... about icon swaps, league SBCs and storyline player on November 6, 2019 8:44AM
I really liked the idea of objectives. But i really cba with that obsessive devotion and commitment to the game to stress 2387 matches a week to unlock everything. Only one i bothered with is Özil..
9:00 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

RayS replied to Hall of SBC/Objective Players on December 4, 2019 7:16PM
🏆🏆🏆The Hall🏆🏆🏆 The Top 10 1) @BogusTommy: 134 2) @ASX : 133 3) @TW1103: 130 4) @lucas : 109 5) @CaTriEm : 100 5) @Sykotic : 100 5) @lastfifa : 100 8) @BayernBru : 96 9) @Bob_Dylan :..
1:12 am, May 8, 2020 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Rarvun replied to Zero points received for 2 consecutive Squad Battle matches although I won both
You have played 40 out of 40 games in squad battles for this week. There is a counter to the right top corner that says that. You can keep playing the games for coins but You wont be given any more po..
9:30 am, April 10, 2020 Technical Issues

RadioShaq replied to They should make a casual game mode on November 10, 2019 8:11PM
Like friendlies or single matches?
8:30 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Purplejacket replied to Servers are so fast right now on November 7, 2019 6:55AM
mway wrote: » Could anyone explain to me this situation? I select my main team to play. Bergkamp, Ibra Scream, Ben Yedder, Frenkie OTW, etc. I play two matches and they can´t move, pass, the delay ..
7:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

PublicID13135236 replied to Daily objective
Played 2 matches in this dumb game mode. Scored 5 (headers and volleys). Objective is not complete. 40 min of life gone.
8:00 pm, January 14, 2020 Technical Issues

Pooter replied to Nerfing bench in WL on November 9, 2019 11:00PM
WarrenBarton wrote: » Pooter wrote: » WarrenBarton wrote: » Team rating has no bearing on matchmaking in weekend league Maybe, but I have out of all the opponents I have played so far, have ..
11:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

PhanTastik377 replied to Over The Top Season Objective Not Registering
I have the same problem here. I did 10 lobbed through in two matches with nothing regiestering. lobbed through ball
1:30 am, March 21, 2020 Technical Issues

PhanTastik377 replied to A completed 5-0 win on legendary becomes 0-3 loss because of disconnection.
This happened again. This is getting worse. Two of four matches results in 0 points because of server disconnects. I won the match 3-1 and I get the message "The EA server is unable ..
4:00 am, March 5, 2020 Technical Issues

PazCorp replied to Weekend League Disconnections
so when the EA servers kick me off a match that I am winning 6-1 for example - I dont get a victory - or then I have 2 other matches disconnect - and I dont get the 3 matches replaced - so I can get t..
2:30 pm, May 5, 2020 Technical Issues

Pandorox12 replied to Fix your servers!
I can't even stay logged into FUT whether it's playing matches, in transfer market or even doing sbc's, just crashes and kicks me off the server, even caused me to get a dnf even though I finished the..
10:30 pm, June 18, 2020 Technical Issues

Numberofluck27 replied to Yo guys this community is so toxic and the game is trash is MW2 nice? on November 9, 2019 1:44PM
Fifaistrash20 wrote: » Numberofluck27 wrote: » If you make 100k out of 30 fut and 30 rival matches you are petty bad 😂 Bro no cap I in div 4/5 and take coins for rank one which is 58k and 65..
2:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Numberofluck27 replied to Yo guys this community is so toxic and the game is trash is MW2 nice? on November 9, 2019 10:07AM
If you make 100k out of 30 fut and 30 rival matches you are petty bad 😂
10:30 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Numberofluck27 replied to POTM Vardy, another nail in the coffin on November 9, 2019 8:00AM
MeanOnSunday wrote: » Terrible passing, bad long shot, 3* 3*. He may be cheap but he’s at best an ok sub for WL teams. Aguero - Vardy up front. 10:1 now in the WL. Vardy 11 matches 11 goals 5 as..
8:30 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Numberofluck27 replied to How is Your WL Going? on October 19, 2019 2:35PM
nexesstar wrote: » Currently 14-9. Don’t know if I should bother trying for G2. 3 wins in 7 matches.. give it a try I think
12:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Numberofluck27 replied to Fifa 19 is better than fifa 20 on November 9, 2019 5:02PM
MurkingFools wrote: » not reading all that 19 was bad, a terrible game for football but you could find a way to have fun in some areas 20 is so boring, ai vs ai vs park the bus vs park the bus a..
8:30 am, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Numberofluck27 replied to Fifa 19 is better than fifa 20 on November 9, 2019 5:02PM
MurkingFools wrote: » not reading all that 19 was bad, a terrible game for football but you could find a way to have fun in some areas 20 is so boring, ai vs ai vs park the bus vs park the bus a..
5:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Noviembre17 replied to When did everyone become pro level defenders? on November 5, 2019 6:10AM
Last night i played 3 dr matches opponents was trying to get politano so teams were garbage udinese st etc. One has eder militao as a cb and he made nearly 20 tackles and intercepts alone. It was fun ..
6:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Noviembre17 replied to Am I the only one that couldn't give a flying ... about icon swaps, league SBCs and storyline player on November 6, 2019 8:49AM
I never tried to gain xp points cause i thought all players arent worthwhile but then yesterday i realized i only need 7k xp so played some friendly matches assisted with a defender in rivals and then..
9:00 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Norttzz replied to Icon swap Conmebol squad did not count my wins
@Messermesut1081 Same Problem here... 2 matches with 11 Commebol not count, i know have 2 diferentes "types" of commebol, have Comebol Libertadores and Commebol Sul Americana, i try with 11 Commebol l..
9:00 pm, April 24, 2020 Technical Issues

NornIron replied to Worst delay I have had so far this fifa on November 8, 2019 9:14PM
Aye its a waste of time I redeemed FUT champs played one match left after 5 mins. Have been trying a few on Squad battles'' Because I can tell if that feels sluggish Champs/Rivals will be worst'' on S..
9:30 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

NornIron replied to Does FIFA 20 delay exist? on October 14, 2019 6:54PM
It exists alright, I would go as far as saying a pro would have a hard time winning match on my connection because everyone of my players are slower than the opponents, since non can out pace I have t..
11:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

NornIron replied to Best player for 1 mill on November 2, 2019 11:58PM
last 4 matches ive played against Mbappe and Son. Mbappe is far better I can deal with Son easy enough.
7:00 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

NinthFall replied to Why punish those who abandon the match? on November 10, 2019 10:08PM
Wizbit81 wrote: » Whats the punishment exactly? You get less coins from following matches. Needless punishment imo
10:30 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

NikoSinclair replied to Objectives cannot be completed
Same problem for me. Aproximatly 6-8 matches. Assist every one, only 1 register....I wonder can formation inpact it? As im playing 4-4-2 def with the CAM in St position
12:30 am, February 15, 2020 Technical Issues

NickIsSoSick7 replied to Why am I not getting skill points on clubs FIFA 20 all I play is league games
I got the game a week ago , I started playing pro clubs and I was wondering how to get skill points so I started doing research I saw that you get 15 right when you make your character and then you ge..
9:00 am, April 23, 2020 Technical Issues

Nazgul replied to OTW/RTTF HYPE TRAIN THREAD - The train never stops 🚂 on October 11, 2019 7:19PM
I’m in! If Lozano plays in the next three matches for country and club I think he’s got a good chance of getting an inform.
3:30 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Nazgul replied to IMPOSSIBLE, DISGUSTING, GARBAGE. on November 5, 2019 9:19PM
WarrenBarton wrote: » Nazgul wrote: » InformCollector wrote: » mihneabs wrote: » InformCollector wrote: » You must play better on every thread/post there must be a salty guy, with a 50..
9:30 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Nazgul replied to IMPOSSIBLE, DISGUSTING, GARBAGE. on November 5, 2019 9:07PM
InformCollector wrote: » mihneabs wrote: » InformCollector wrote: » You must play better on every thread/post there must be a salty guy, with a 500k squad, dipping in division 6-5. Salty? ..
9:30 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

NariManutd replied to Game Crashing without Error
Did this happen to you after title update 2? i upsated the game and played for few hours and it was fine. Then I put the game on the menus and went to grab something. When I cameback the game closed i..
7:00 am, November 28, 2019 Technical Issues

NandoSalazar082 replied to Having the same problem, it’s kicking me in FUT. says it can’t connect toEAserve
This whole week I didn’t get any coins or packs from the matches, any reason why??
3:00 pm, March 28, 2020 Technical Issues

NaFantastico replied to 3 disconnected in a row in WL!
Thanks for you response. However, I did what you said and I attached my screenshot of the results. It will be a big help if you would kindly tell me what the problem is. Also, I did get my WL matches ..
5:30 pm, April 10, 2020 Technical Issues