
PegLeg replied to MattHDGamer RANT about EA servers on October 27, 2019 7:50PM
Hope he's checked his router. The delay deniers will be on soon blaming his internet connection
12:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Pedromartinezz14 replied to Disconnecting me on November 5, 2019 7:49PM
I would say your lucky there then. I been on the receiving end of disconnects 2 often. I have changed my internet, got a booster for it and still have issues. I have seen youtubers have the same probl..
8:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Paulyd0044c replied to The ea servers ar unable to process my request fifa 20
I 100% agree that the EA support are unhelpful and do not provide any actual support for the issue. So, I can access the game, I have 300mb/s down and 160mb/s up, a wired connection and perfect ..
6:30 am, April 16, 2020 Technical Issues

PachFC22 replied to December 21st FUT Matchmaking Issue
What the hell is going on with FUT champions? Keeps saying there is no opponent try again later and when on the odd occasion an opponent is found the latency is on the lowest bar. The connection is ho..
8:00 pm, December 21, 2019 Technical Issues

PachFC22 replied to Compensation for weekend league loss due to bad servers
What the hell is going on with FUT champions? Keeps saying there is no opponent try again later and when on the odd occasion an opponent is found the latency is on the lowest bar. The connection is ho..
8:30 pm, December 21, 2019 Technical Issues

Orison replied to Pretend listening to customers, and then secretly undid the game patch for gameplay resonsiveness on November 8, 2019 10:36AM
MHoney1234 wrote: » Chriswhiteisright wrote: » Eric18 wrote: » BorussenBernie09 wrote: » Thank you OP! That's exactly what I'm asking myself: where did they actually improve anything concer..
11:00 am, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

OanPro replied to Keep disconnect from EA
@dartmainer And it disconnects my internet from the whole Psn and this only happens in fifa 20!
10:00 am, December 13, 2019 Technical Issues

NornIron replied to Fifa 20 server and netcode analysis (Now pros are messing with their connection to get an advantage) on November 3, 2019 3:40PM
I can tell right now its not other people's connections, I get delay 99% of the time every match I play is 5 bars. Online friendlies is the best mode for gameplay atm. Its overloaded servers or the ro..
2:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

EA Stop lying and telling it is our problem, before you guys where hacked connection was lost since then and it is getting worst. Al internet connection are working suddently the ea server i..
12:00 pm, March 14, 2020 Technical Issues

Murida01 replied to Fifa 20 friendlies error
Hi finally found a solution that worked for me after trying everything else see steps below. Restart your router or internetThenRESTORE LICENSES1. In the main menu XMB, using the controller scrol..
7:30 am, June 13, 2020 Technical Issues

Mstieg005 replied to Head goal problem
On ps4 there seems to be a bug where at times if you score a goal using any variation of a cross, in the air, on the ground whatever it might be the game crashes and you get an error notification. I w..
3:30 pm, March 24, 2020 Technical Issues

Mstieg005 replied to Game Crashes When Scoring From A Cross
On ps4 there seems to be a bug where at times if you score a goal using any variation of a cross, in the air, on the ground whatever it might be the game crashes and you get an error notification. I w..
4:30 pm, March 28, 2020 Technical Issues

Mr_Giallorossi replied to Fifa 20 lagg regardless of fixing internet makes the game impossible to compete
@PicantePython it has been like that since they switched to dedicated servers and nothing will be fixed as long as EA make that much money even when their game is as bad . it seems like the only ppl t..
12:30 pm, January 17, 2020 Technical Issues

Moukoko07 replied to Weekend League Connectivity
I don’t know what’s going on today but on 2 separate occasions I gave gone 2-1 up in weekend league games and FIFA has crashed and ejected me. If this was random I’d just think the internet was ..
10:00 pm, March 21, 2020 Technical Issues

Moskolonel replied to I've been scammed
Hi @StanDeMan8864 You do never give your personal info on internet or on a game plateform. You are not really hack because you have give your account access. You can find info abo..
2:30 pm, December 27, 2019 Technical Issues

Mikimuster3 replied to Need to switch EA account on FIFA 20
First off, let me start by saying welcome to EA’s “Answer HQ”. Answer HQ isn't just an ordinary message board or support center. It's a new approach to our community experience and a fun way of ..
8:30 pm, March 24, 2020 Technical Issues

Mikimuster3 replied to * everyone who works at ea
@asgarlisaid wrote: ...*REACH ME ASAP*... @asgarlisaid EA will newer reach You on the basis of the Post at this public forum. It is necessary to contact EA support like described in t..
8:30 am, March 22, 2020 Technical Issues

MichaelDK replied to Fifa20 can connect to servers while on 2,4g network, unable to connect on 5g
I recommended to play via wired connection.wifi always goes up and down with connection.and my suggestion is, talk with your internet service you can use the internet...
10:30 am, March 22, 2020 Technical Issues

Mguzman1108 replied to Megathread: Error CE-34878-0
@m0d_rewrite Error CE-34878-0 is a general error that happens when the game you are currently playing on the PlayStation 4 has crashed. Try the solutions below to solve this problem step by..
12:30 am, February 9, 2020 Technical Issues

MaxDMC22 replied to Disconneting to main menu when there's a pause in FUT online games
Wires. I never use wifi on consoles as it’s not stable enough. The problem has never occurred before, but this has no way to be blamed on my internet. It’s a game issue, as a I can see I am not lo..
11:00 pm, March 2, 2020 Technical Issues

MaroAvatar replied to Fifa 20 keeps crashing
I have the same problem here everything you said happed to me as well the only things that is different that I had these games from the PlayStation store and I also have something wrong with the graph..
1:30 pm, December 28, 2019 Technical Issues

Mariio90 replied to Fifa 20 button delay and slow gameplay (SEA) on
me too.....the first few weeks were fine. Now it's so slow and unplayable, i like to play quick attacking football...i now find myself having to pass 100 times to be able to get up the pitch! non..
2:03 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

Mariio90 replied to Fifa 20 button delay and slow gameplay (SEA)
me too.....the first few weeks were fine. Now it's so slow and unplayable, i like to play quick attacking football...i now find myself having to pass 100 times to be able to get up the pitch! non..
3:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

Majnon4fifa replied to Please let that go to ea
I have the same problem my opponent quit the game and its count as lose and after that i can connect normal its not internet problem
5:00 pm, February 18, 2020 Technical Issues

Madhattercoyh replied to FIFA 20 freeze
@EA_Arrenai First week all was great but In the last week it starting to lag so badly I can no longer play, internet connection is fine!! takes 10 seconds to load to central menu from any other menu. ..
11:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to transfer marker doesn't work on the mobile app
hello @denbleeke •Restart the modem / router •Temporarily disable or turn off other devices that use the internet network.•Perform a clean boot •Flush the..
7:30 pm, December 26, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Wont Load FUT
Hello @Tqdzfl353oota ! What platform do you play on? Please try this steps: Check internet connectionRestart the modem / router If you play on PC: •Check har..
4:00 pm, December 27, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Cant connect to ea server (fifa20 ps4)
@Najm141 Hello It should help with solvin your problem: •Restart the modem / router •Disable Firewall:- Click Start → Control Panel → Security and click Windows Firewall.- ..
12:00 pm, December 26, 2019 Technical Issues

MHoney1234 replied to Pretend listening to customers, and then secretly undid the game patch for gameplay resonsiveness on November 8, 2019 8:21AM
Chriswhiteisright wrote: » Eric18 wrote: » BorussenBernie09 wrote: » Thank you OP! That's exactly what I'm asking myself: where did they actually improve anything concerning the responsiveness..
8:30 am, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

MHoney1234 replied to Matchmaking needs to be connection priority on November 7, 2019 6:15PM
Compensation lag. If you have good internet and play against someone on 4G you’re in a world of pain.
6:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

MHoney1234 replied to Do you want an explanation from EA regarding in game delay? on November 7, 2019 7:09PM
Yes Bouboe112 wrote: » Maybe its not connection guys. I always have 5 bars connection, wired 100mbps internet in the Netherlands. I never ever had connection issues in fifa or any other game. Never ..
7:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Lukaboii_3 replied to Does FIFA 20 delay exist? on October 19, 2019 2:23PM
When I play on my brothers PS4 the game feels so different just smoother and more responsive. He downloaded the game and I have the disk I have the PS4 pro and he has a standard PS4 we both have the s..
11:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

@FlukeyLuk3y it's a joke. I sold the game because I had enough of the speed up lag. I play a lot of online games and never experience such a poor connection like fifa. Is it because the server cant ha..
1:30 pm, November 15, 2019 Technical Issues

LOZZA7312 replied to Serious Button & Gameplay Delay’s
@EA_Darko Hi Darko,I understand what you post & the link, but I’m not playing on a modern TV or have any issues with my internet. My PS4 is connected straight to my modem via LAN on its own port..
6:30 am, May 3, 2020 Technical Issues

Keatonirish replied to Squad battles server disconnects on November 7, 2019 3:07PM
iamnotamaniamcantona wrote: » Are you sure its not your internet??....bear with me... I used to have crappy (standard) post office internet and got disconnected from squad battles at least twice ev..
3:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

KalVal replied to Shadow card
EA, you have to get more Shadow cards out there, try to snipe it for a week, impossible. Spent stupid alot of time doing this stupid thing. I have untradeable players i would like to use, but the..
10:00 am, November 16, 2019 Technical Issues

K-P-flash1 replied to Server keeps crashing
EA servers are extremely poor, slow and general online game play is pathetic. The game freezes, speeds up, pauses, runs extremely slow, lags and all online actions are delayed such as passing the ball..
10:30 pm, March 12, 2020 Technical Issues

K-P-flash1 replied to I'm done with this game
EA servers are extremely poor, slow and general online game play is pathetic. The game freezes, speeds up, pauses, runs extremely slow, lags and all online actions are delayed such as passing the ball..
10:30 pm, March 12, 2020 Technical Issues

Jvh075 replied to FIFA lagging
i have have this problem for a long time have bought a gaming benq monitor changed my internet speed they added a booster to my internet for stronger signal, have almost tried every dns but none of it..
3:30 pm, February 8, 2020 Technical Issues

Juventigr0 replied to The lag outs has ruined everything
Same here in Ireland, we are playing with a group of friends mainly to pro club and since last year both pro club and FUT are not playable anymore, it is very laggy and there is delay which impact gre..
10:00 pm, November 25, 2019 Technical Issues

Juansechaves1 replied to [Known issue] Red player picks
I am having trouble collecting my fut champions reward. I played it this weekend and got to silver 1 with 12 wins but I have been unable to claim rewards ever since. I looked in internet and it says t..
5:00 pm, January 2, 2020 Technical Issues

Jscw87 replied to Match Under Review?
Hi EA, I've had the same issue of getting kicked out midway through a game and it says 'result is currently under review'. It's been happening quite a lot recently (probably 50% of the time..
11:30 pm, May 31, 2020 Technical Issues

JoshW1928 replied to Gameplay issues delays laggs
Nah the game servers are total *, I play on a 1ms Response time monitor, wired connection and have a very good internet provider and all this to then play the game and watch my players unable to turn ..
4:30 pm, November 29, 2019 Technical Issues

JordanDevlin97 replied to game freezing and then speeds up
Hello Cade, I have tried everything yet nothing seems to work. I have to best BT internet you can get and my NAT type is always Open with my online connection being 10/10 on every single other ga..
6:30 pm, December 14, 2019 Technical Issues

JoeD2114 replied to Dont let connect
I can’t connect to ea servers at all yesterday or today... no error message just sits there connecting, not my internet
11:30 pm, May 3, 2020 Technical Issues

Japanezo45 replied to Your opponent has left the match Fifa 20
Still not , it seems that depends on internet connection for both.
7:30 pm, April 6, 2020 Technical Issues

JPM1182 replied to Won’t connect to ea server
@EA_Darko Can’t connect to servers on Xbox one either. Tried resetting router etc. All other games working, internet is fine. Been having issues since 8am this morning 🙄
1:00 pm, December 6, 2019 Technical Issues

JBiswas224 replied to Disconnect from winning position in fut champs
@J-Selby97Have such a worldwide gamming network and this moootherfuuuckers can't even make a game properly lost 7-8 matches is winning position. Checked my internet restarted my router tried wired con..
2:00 pm, March 22, 2020 Technical Issues

Its_Sir_Golden replied to gameplay still broken
@EA_Aljo can i have some assistance on ALL the workarounds for the gameplay fixes please. its not an internet issue as passing is broken and how the players move (AI and when changing to that pl..
12:00 am, June 8, 2020 Technical Issues

I SiR MartY I replied to Pretend listening to customers, and then secretly undid the game patch for gameplay resonsiveness on November 8, 2019 10:51AM
AlwaysDisappointed wrote: » Chriswhiteisright wrote: » Eric18 wrote: » BorussenBernie09 wrote: » Thank you OP! That's exactly what I'm asking myself: where did they actually improve anythin..
11:00 am, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion