
victorrulian replied to Fifa 20 Crashing on Online matches, Pc
@EA_Cade Hey man thanks for the answer I really appreciate you helping me. I’m new to all this stuff so where can I find this “customize menu” ? Thanks again
4:30 pm, April 16, 2020 Technical Issues

utkarsh_lohray replied to Can't play FUT game cause of captcha challenge
Whenever I start a match, A captcha pops up but doesn't load.The error says,"Please refresh the page.If the verification challenge is not working, your device might not support loading the verificatio..
3:30 pm, June 26, 2020 Technical Issues

sady793 replied to Latency weakness
Unfortunately didn't work As I said before sometimes it appears but know it is ok but I want solutions for the latency when it decreased I checked all network connections and all of them was..
7:00 pm, June 19, 2020 Technical Issues

ragnarok013 replied to Fifa points
@Hhgfdseeffewssdf Moved from the Battlefield forums to the FIFA forums. ____________________________________________________________________________Please mark a thread as so..
2:30 pm, March 25, 2020 Technical Issues

ragnarok013 replied to Can I retrieve back a Fifa squad
@jellyclock I've moved your post from the Battlefield 3 forum to the FIFA forum so you have a better chance of receiving an answer. From your post the first thing you should do is change your passwor..
12:30 pm, June 18, 2020 Technical Issues

pintskebab replied to FIFA 20 account hacked and all players sold all coins gone.
They didn’t help me. Basically blamed that I did it myself coz they couldn’t see a hack. why would I sell all my own players and then all the coins around 800k have gone. Makes no sense. ..
9:30 pm, January 17, 2020 Technical Issues

mway replied to Remove objectives from rivals pls! on November 4, 2019 11:55PM
Well, currently I´m facing a lot of Serie A teams. I´m helping all of them letting them score but this is no fun. Ok I get the win but it´s boring. So I guess I´ll go to play friendlies until this..
12:00 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mway replied to Im at a complete and utter Fifa low on November 7, 2019 1:28PM
SPN1987 wrote: » You are delusional. You are not helping anyone with your BS. Just trying to help. It works for me. I would show you the match I have recorded with Giroud, Haller, Morales, etc sc..
1:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mellis23 replied to Sort out your game
My point being that ball overload is supposed to reduce stamina fast yet even though it has started to go down slightly quicker they can still out run fast paced players so it pointless reducing stami..
11:30 pm, March 8, 2020 Technical Issues

madwullie replied to Politano Objectives brings out the worst in this community on November 6, 2019 7:40PM
Knowlesdinho wrote: » I helped someone the other day even though I'm not doing the objective. I let him score 13 (he used a couple of subs), then I scored 13 and said let's play as normal. He gifted..
8:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

kraid replied to Here is why fifa 20 cant be taken seriously. on November 8, 2019 4:42PM
Brydobhoy88 wrote: » kraid wrote: » The defence has to be controlled by the Ai to a certain extent. Yes his defenders should track back without him controlling them. What’s the alternative? He ..
5:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

kayron16 replied to Player your controlling doesn’t do your input command massively? on November 7, 2019 5:53PM
Fletch wrote: » It's been happening for years mate. It sucks, but it's EA's way of making the game more user friendly and helping out the lesser skilled players It’s not scripting, it’s just *..
6:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

gkhnbcr replied to Fifa 20 pro club matchmaking, NO opponent found issue
Any solution yet for this problem? We are also trying to play in Kuwait, till now couldnt succeed any single pro game with the friends. For example, if we try to connect with 4 friends, game logs..
6:00 pm, November 29, 2019 Technical Issues

frankiezee28 replied to I Am Embarrassed
Im 100% same boat im from au in melb in fact and ive called so many times and been on hold for like 1hr and a half finally get thru then they wanna transfer me then hold for another 30 mins then they ..
11:00 am, November 12, 2019 Technical Issues

dannmch420 replied to Personal save issues
Thank you matey for the response and also thank you for helping me handle the situation
5:00 pm, January 7, 2020 Technical Issues

abood202000 replied to Connection is lost
Thanks for helping ...I play fifa 20, and everytime i play online they kick me out of the server whether it is wirless or wired, they automatically put me in a south Europe servers and i am in egypt.
3:00 pm, March 10, 2020 Technical Issues

abdullah77990 replied to Lost Prime Baggio
@EA_Cade 58986323This is the case numberThanks for helping
4:30 pm, April 30, 2020 Technical Issues

Yoesi replied to Lag compensation (part1) on May 7, 2020 8:23PM
TheTataGuy wrote: » unxius wrote: » TheTataGuy wrote: » @EA_Roger Time to forward this to higher up 🙃, enough is enough, time to start punishing people that decide to play on bad connection..
1:12 am, May 8, 2020 Ultimate Team General Discussion

WillSmith7644 replied to Over 2,000 Games Completed - WebApp Market STILL LOCKED
@EA_Cade Mind helping out?
2:30 am, June 2, 2020 Technical Issues

Vodril replied to FUT Champs Points not reedemed
I see. Is there a way for me to get the points back since I didn't know about it? I redeemed it and didn't know, plus it didn't allow me to play on the day I redeemed it too so I assumed it was the fo..
8:00 pm, February 28, 2020 Technical Issues

VerruckterHund replied to Unable to connect to EA servers
@EA_Cade I can connect to EA servers now. I did nothing actually. This morning I tried in the web app once again and I was able to enter so I switched to the console to confirm.So, I tried to clear th..
3:00 am, April 18, 2020 Technical Issues

Verdi replied to Here is why fifa 20 cant be taken seriously. on November 8, 2019 3:47PM
Regardless of the video, the point is a valid one. I was helping someone do objectives the other day and the amount of magnetising and tracking from the ai was silly. We've all experienced this I'm su..
4:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Torino21 replied to Unbelievable on November 9, 2019 2:19PM
**** company. I am in the same boat. EA helping poor men and **** players. When I am on a win streak my keeper is going to do strange stuff, mbappe turns into Lasagna and not to talk about the ridicul..
2:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Tommygunn replied to BS Ban for 7 days now over...but still banned? WAKE UP EA! on November 5, 2019 5:30PM
ASlowPotato wrote: » hayhor1 wrote: » Jason1986 wrote: » There's not a chance in hell that you were banned for losing a rivals match. Yeah this Well it is the only thing close to breaking ..
6:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Tommygunn replied to BS Ban for 7 days now over...but still banned? WAKE UP EA! on November 5, 2019 5:17PM
ASlowPotato wrote: » Tommygunn wrote: » This morning when I was out picking up my unicorns **** I got banned by ea for rubber banding the controller. I tried to explain to ea that a 7 day ban was..
5:30 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Staxdoobie replied to BS Ban for 7 days now over...but still banned? WAKE UP EA! on November 5, 2019 4:33PM
You can get banned for helping someone out with an objective??
5:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

SimoHayha-TR- replied to Just remove drop back... simples on November 7, 2019 7:44AM
Problem with drop back is that they are able to counter attack easily. In real life you can't even breathe against possesion team while your whole team in your box. And ai auto block system helping th..
8:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

SimoHayha-TR- replied to Inception xxx on November 9, 2019 11:13AM
He is just passionate football game lover. If you saw his record he is good at this game but he just dont enjoy the gameplay.He just want a good gameplay for a years and he is also helping developers...
11:30 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Seanregal replied to Politano Objectives brings out the worst in this community on November 6, 2019 5:51PM
I've done my share of helping out. But on Sunday i got 4 requests for help thats a hour of my game time gone i dont really care about getting a free win. Sometimes i just want a match. I also think us..
6:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

I understand what you mean, but you cant be taking 2 whole weeks to restore someone’s belongings; especially on game with an incredibly short cycle. My coins in depreciating in value every day. For ..
2:30 pm, January 28, 2020 Technical Issues

SPN1987 replied to Im at a complete and utter Fifa low on November 7, 2019 1:22PM
mway wrote: » Have you tried deleting your team and play with one created from zero with all gold cards? Well, when I´m in a losing streak of 3 games I create a gold team from zero ( Giroud, Morale..
1:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

RA22Y replied to Ur not playing against the player, but EA on November 9, 2019 10:47AM
Baliland wrote: » Every game you can feel how EA are tyring to screw u over, it's so sad. What benefit do EA get for helping the bad players. It doesn't happen in any game but Fifa. Saddening It's..
11:00 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Natureboy44 replied to Player your controlling doesn’t do your input command massively? on November 7, 2019 3:54PM
Fletch wrote: » It's been happening for years mate. It sucks, but it's EA's way of making the game more user friendly and helping out the lesser skilled players I completely agree but this year it..
4:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Naeb1117 replied to Fifa20 won't connect to EA servers
@EA_Roger It isn’t helping...
6:00 pm, December 12, 2019 Technical Issues

Moose Factory replied to Player your controlling doesn’t do your input command massively? on November 7, 2019 4:47AM
Fletch wrote: » It's been happening for years mate. It sucks, but it's EA's way of making the game more user friendly and helping out the lesser skilled players Yeah of course I’ve noticed it ov..
5:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Mikimuster3 replied to stolen content
@man9our66 Welcome to EA’s “Answer HQ”!Here at Answer HQ, we are not EA. We are only a community-based forum board for giving/helping mutual assistance!Unfortunately, we can not help ..
9:00 am, April 13, 2020 Technical Issues

Mikimuster3 replied to Need to switch EA account on FIFA 20
First off, let me start by saying welcome to EA’s “Answer HQ”. Answer HQ isn't just an ordinary message board or support center. It's a new approach to our community experience and a fun way of ..
8:30 pm, March 24, 2020 Technical Issues

Mikimuster3 replied to Account Hacked and Now I'm Banned
Hello @balloman2001! First off, let me start by saying welcome to EA’s “Answer HQ”. Answer HQ isn't just an ordinary message board or support center. It's a new approach to our community ex..
8:00 am, March 3, 2020 Technical Issues

Knowlesdinho replied to Politano Objectives brings out the worst in this community on November 6, 2019 5:35PM
I helped someone the other day even though I'm not doing the objective. I let him score 13 (he used a couple of subs), then I scored 13 and said let's play as normal. He gifted me the win, but I wasn'..
6:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

JMHenriques replied to Very poor content and servers
@chokopolo 30? Only? Try more like 30.000 packs and maybe you get something valuable... Honestly dont waste money, the only objective of EA is to make money and you are just helping them make even mor..
3:00 pm, March 12, 2020 Technical Issues

InformCollector replied to Is there any otw worth investing in? on November 8, 2019 9:35AM
pudgyfudgy wrote: » Just before Chelsea vs Burnley... literally right before the kick-off... I had a strange feeling Pulisic was going to do very well. So I quickly bought 2 OTW cards. Regret that I..
10:00 am, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

HullCity1904 replied to Politano Objectives brings out the worst in this community on November 6, 2019 8:29PM
ELSALCFC wrote: » What has annoyed me is having more than 10 games where people have quit before kick off because I’m not doing objectives. At least try ffs. I do try, but the difference in team..
8:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

HullCity1904 replied to Politano Objectives brings out the worst in this community on November 6, 2019 7:46PM
Max_1899 wrote: » what u expect when about 95% of the community are like 12 year old virgins that enjoy to watch rebounds goals after u tackled their cuntford 20 times, but he still kept posession. ..
8:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Guteekk93 replied to Gameplay issues delays laggs
I did it everything nothing is helping I’ve got good internet from good provider, it’s ur servers are big problem is not only me who’s complaining about this , just playing fut champions and is ..
5:00 pm, November 29, 2019 Technical Issues

Frankie62470 replied to Account got Hacked... lost 650k Please Help
I had the same thing happen to me about 4 months ago! Someone on Twitter offered me $600 for my team. I asked him why he would offer me that much money without even knowing what team I had? Answer was..
7:00 pm, April 11, 2020 Technical Issues

Fletch replied to Player your controlling doesn’t do your input command massively? on November 7, 2019 4:41AM
It's been happening for years mate. It sucks, but it's EA's way of making the game more user friendly and helping out the lesser skilled players
5:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

FalconFan replied to Remove objectives from rivals pls! on November 5, 2019 12:34AM
mway wrote: » Well, currently I´m facing a lot of Serie A teams. I´m helping all of them letting them score but this is no fun. Ok I get the win but it´s boring. So I guess I´ll go to play frien..
1:00 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Fab replied to What type of forumer are you? on November 8, 2019 12:40AM
The moaner - Nothing will ever make me happy, I live in a perpetual state of despair.I am the moaner. I curse EA at every opportunity I get, I say I quit 10 times a year (I don't actually quit though)..
1:00 am, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

FUTJokerOfficial replied to Web app transfer market still locked after +300 games and 3 month playing
I played more then 550 Games now, already spent lots and lots of money in there, but still don't have access to the transfer market on webapp or companion app. Further I called and chatted the canadia..
3:30 pm, December 4, 2019 Technical Issues

ELSALCFC replied to Politano Objectives brings out the worst in this community on November 6, 2019 8:45PM
HullCity1904 wrote: » ELSALCFC wrote: » What has annoyed me is having more than 10 games where people have quit before kick off because I’m not doing objectives. At least try ffs. I do try, b..
9:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion