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EA_Roger replied to FIFA 20 - Unable to Start Volta Mode

Hello,   @homicideinside , thanks to the information you have provided our teams have been working on towards a fix for this issue. We released a hotfix for all of the PC players with the Ul..

4:00 pm, November 24, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Joz replied to My FUT 20 companion app isnt working help

Hello, @zatooone1 It sounds like you might be logging in with the wrong EA account. My advise would be to contact our EA help live support so we can further look into this for you. ðŸ¤—..

2:30 am, April 22, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Ä° sell a player but i cant rechieve my coins, what should i do?

Hi @kayanpatates,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

8:00 pm, March 28, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to the game quick sold a player that wasn't selected

Hi @Sallaco123,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

5:30 pm, November 22, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to t fifa 20 ultimate team hacks and sold all players

Hi @LOVROPOLE,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

5:30 pm, March 27, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to refound error

Hi @killthemall86,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

2:00 pm, June 2, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to odeegard missing

Hi @fifiorz,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

3:00 pm, February 28, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to no coins when i sell an item

Hi @TheFIFAboy63,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

4:00 pm, December 19, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to never recieved twitch packs

Hi @andrewhakim,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

8:30 pm, April 15, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to my fut20 team got deleted without my knowledge

Hi @saifullahbarrie,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

5:00 pm, April 16, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to missing my rewards

Hi @momaarouf,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

7:30 pm, February 7, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to missing fifa 20 pack

Hi @rafaellavoura,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

8:30 pm, March 6, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to missing an icon swaps token

Hi @BAZJ89,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

6:00 pm, January 2, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to mendy 87

Hi @hsnalih,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

2:00 pm, June 24, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to kante and others missing , untraceable Trezeguet in place ,Fifa 20

Hi @coloursplash8,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

9:30 pm, December 10, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to i did not receive my guaranteed ligue1 tots pack even though i completed the dme

Hi @Whodatflu,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

7:30 pm, June 3, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to hello

Hey all, Friendlies are hard to troubleshoot on our end as you're dealing with a Peer2Peer connection without going through our servers. Can any of you connect to other friends on Friendlies or is thi..

7:00 pm, November 15, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to hacked fifa 20 ut account

Hi @manoapa,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

5:00 pm, March 24, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to fifa coins

Hi @yanansskinfade,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

8:30 pm, December 12, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to fifa 20 i didnt receive twitch reward

Hi @stepap10,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

2:30 pm, March 26, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to fifa 20

Hi @Nastynic2008,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

11:00 pm, November 19, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to didn’t receive my twitch rewards

Hi @soccerkid115,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

10:00 pm, February 19, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to account opened from

Hi @Rabi3ZHQ,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

10:00 pm, April 21, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Xp not registering

Hi @brentonphill84,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

3:00 pm, April 22, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Wrong quick sell

Hi @haziem55,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

10:00 pm, December 11, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Why did my FIFA points recharge successfully, but did not recharge to the accoun

Hi @dantejason,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

2:30 pm, January 4, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Weekend rewards

Hi @joemou11,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

5:30 pm, February 6, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Twitch Linking - no pack

Hi @ThechosenVIE,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

5:30 pm, April 4, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Transfer market

Hi @FastestGaming10,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

8:30 pm, November 14, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Transfer Market Error Xbox One

Hi @caljohno04,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

11:00 pm, November 19, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to TOTW upgrade

Hi @CalumFellCFC1904,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

7:30 pm, November 23, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Stuck at pre-match drill in My Career Mode

@biffakwok Hello! Is this happening before a specific match or all of them? Can you sim that match and try loading the next one? -EA_Cade

9:30 pm, March 22, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Squad turned into concept squad and cant undo..

Hi @stroobz,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

10:00 pm, April 7, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Sc

Hi @mihajlovic8,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

5:30 pm, April 4, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Rivals wins didn't give me champs points

Hi @CptDerpy738,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

3:00 pm, May 2, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Rewards claimed in Fifa 20 companion dissapeared

Hi @jonathan0489,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

6:00 pm, March 10, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Rewards

Hi @sirreynolds86,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

7:30 pm, February 25, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Reward packs disappearing

Hi @gmorris86,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

3:30 pm, February 14, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Removed my team

Hi @BifocalScroll37,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

11:00 pm, December 26, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Quick sold player

@03calz03 Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

12:00 pm, June 24, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Quick Sold

Hi @ZzSam98zZ,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

7:30 pm, March 3, 2020 Technical Issues


Hi @isidoridis,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

11:00 pm, December 26, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Points not added

Hi @gfd34567uytgfd,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

4:30 pm, April 3, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Player stuck in transfer list

Hi @Lazy_Tradie,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

3:00 pm, February 1, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Player not found in my club

@rohit090 Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.   We can't assist with this type of issue via AH..

8:30 pm, November 14, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Player moments morales

Hi @kofirmoore,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

3:00 pm, December 21, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Player just disappeared from my listing

Hi @alexc096,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

10:30 pm, November 21, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Player gone

Hi @sabbani,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

4:30 pm, January 16, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Packs missing

Hi @pushparaj07,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

7:00 pm, February 4, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Packs disappearing

Hi @doosan14,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

3:00 pm, April 15, 2020 Technical Issues

Fifa 20
Enjoy more control over the Decisive Moments that determine the outcome of every match in FIFA 20. FIFA 20 is an upcoming football simulation video game published by Electronic Arts as part of the FIFA series. It is the 27th installment in the FIFA series, and is set to be released on 27 September 2019 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.