
Goalrush replied to Drag back Fut champs on November 9, 2019 2:43PM
MurkingFools wrote: » i smell drop back ai defending champ No drop back from me champ, can’t score on all out attacking let alone drop back 🤣
3:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Goalrush replied to Drag back Fut champs on November 9, 2019 2:20PM
Knowlesdinho wrote: » Complain about it relentlessly but still play it week in week out champs. 1st time I redeemed me qualification, never again 🤣
2:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Goalrush replied to Drag back Fut champs on November 9, 2019 2:14PM
I’m **** champs 🤣🤣
6:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Goalrush replied to Drag back Fut champs on November 9, 2019 2:14PM
I’m **** champs 🤣🤣
2:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Ghostbeezy replied to FUT Champs Disconnect during win
@EA_Cade So - even though I’m winning time of possession, the score line, passing.The game decides its a loss - and you can’t refund me the games - time or money spent? That seems awfully flawed. ..
4:00 pm, December 28, 2019 Technical Issues

Getting-them-in replied to FIFA20 not connecting to servers after update and internet improvements!!!
Also your contact us not working on my site / any of your silly numbers to contact you on!!! saying creating my case for few days now!! Can't get call as don't live in Canada or USA!!! Lost my 2..
4:30 am, January 29, 2020 Technical Issues

GameplayerPAD replied to Got DNF at a fut champs game
@Nmontero11123 , join the club. It's a general problem, but EA ignores us.It's not just they didn't give any compensation, they didn't even respond to our topics about this issue.It's comple..
8:00 am, June 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Game over man game over replied to It’s really windy out there, should I risk playing futchamps? on November 2, 2019 9:54AM
Go outside and risk certain death to go to the shop, then play WL in a better mood WarrenBarton wrote: » Game over man game over wrote: » WarrenBarton wrote: » Mr_Matchup1 wrote: » If your..
9:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Game over man game over replied to It’s really windy out there, should I risk playing futchamps? on November 2, 2019 9:26AM
Go outside and risk certain death to go to the shop, then play WL in a better mood WarrenBarton wrote: » Mr_Matchup1 wrote: » If your facing certain death I can only assume that your would be pla..
9:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Game over man game over replied to It’s really windy out there, should I risk playing futchamps? on November 2, 2019 9:17AM
Go outside and risk certain death to go to the shop, then play WL in a better moodInstant death will be less painful then the weekend league
9:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Galatasarayy98 replied to FUT Champs DNF
You will get a reply telling you to check your connection. They won't fix it. I suggest playing other game Modes..I quit FIFA today..very hard decision but it was better for my mental's al..
4:00 am, March 21, 2020 Technical Issues

GT500 replied to WL on Saturday and Sunday is AIDS on November 9, 2019 9:07PM
Champs is always aids so I’m taking a month or so break
9:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

GJWilko9 replied to If Ben Yedder Wins POTM on November 5, 2019 12:59PM
IxToMxI wrote: » Seandimes wrote: » OTW doesnt get an upgrade This, there is an F.A.Q around what’s does upgrade them and what doesn’t, POTM is not included in the upgrades and I think TOTS..
1:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Futfanatic replied to It’s really windy out there, should I risk playing futchamps? on November 2, 2019 9:21AM
Steal next door’s cat’s milk (dish included)Wait you can milk cats? I never knew.
9:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Foresticek replied to My own Home & Away shirts in all games ? on November 10, 2019 9:26PM
Max_1899 wrote: » i prefer playing my own kits instead of that clash of kits bs from last year. lots of kits may look different in the menu but ingame they look kinda the same and then ur screwed th..
9:30 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

FlyingOkapis replied to Just remove drop back... simples on November 7, 2019 6:05AM
Hatetheplaye7 wrote: » FlyingOkapis wrote: » What squad do you have? I used to struggle against drop back when I had an average team, ever since I just went and got the high rated players I bare..
6:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

FlyingLightningg replied to Unregistered fut champs wins
@itsthatgobber23 I got 6 wins but didnt get my rewards its not fair at all
11:30 pm, March 9, 2020 Technical Issues

Fifaistrash20 replied to Yo guys this community is so toxic and the game is trash is MW2 nice? on November 9, 2019 10:09AM
Numberofluck27 wrote: » If you make 100k out of 30 fut and 30 rival matches you are petty bad 😂 Bro no cap I in div 4/5 and take coins for rank one which is 58k and 65k I think plus fut champs ..
10:30 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Ferrari_LFC10 replied to Season 2 wipe - do milestones go on in next season? on November 8, 2019 11:20AM
It has to continue on. Its 300 fut champs wins to get the GOAT tifo, we have not had 10 weekend leagues. Not possible either to go 30/30 for 10 weeks, right now.
11:30 am, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Fadxy_12 replied to We are sorry but there has been an error connecting to FIFA 20 Ultimate Team.
@davidw28 the same has happened to me today within two FUT champs games, both which I was winning .. obviously counted as losses both of them
7:00 pm, April 24, 2020 Technical Issues

Fab replied to The dreaded replay watchers- simple solution on November 1, 2019 9:35PM
Delboy13710 wrote: » Fab wrote: » Delboy13710 wrote: » Fab wrote: » should definitely not be turned off in fut champs after i score i like to take a sip of water or go to the toilet Arr t..
12:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Fab replied to The dreaded replay watchers- simple solution on November 1, 2019 9:25PM
Delboy13710 wrote: » Fab wrote: » should definitely not be turned off in fut champs after i score i like to take a sip of water or go to the toilet Arr the famous sip of water excuse . So if yo..
12:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Fab replied to The dreaded replay watchers- simple solution on November 1, 2019 8:51PM
should definitely not be turned off in fut champs after i score i like to take a sip of water or go to the toilet
12:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Fab replied to The dreaded replay watchers- simple solution on November 1, 2019 9:25PM
Delboy13710 wrote: » Fab wrote: » should definitely not be turned off in fut champs after i score i like to take a sip of water or go to the toilet Arr the famous sip of water excuse . So if yo..
3:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Fab replied to It’s really windy out there, should I risk playing futchamps? on November 2, 2019 12:34PM
good luck !
9:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

FEENMYSTER replied to Fut champs wins not counting
This isn’t fair I have DC twice before the game had started and it ha scouted as a loss then I am 1-0 up and my opponent quits and I haven’t got the win
4:30 pm, May 2, 2020 Technical Issues

F--C--B_FCBstef replied to Fifa 20 - ps4 - crashing, error (CE-34878-0)
Happened to me on my last FUT Champs game 2-0 up to gain elite 3 and game crashed thanks FIFA. Just happened again in rivals nice little DNF %I'm racking up....
9:30 am, March 23, 2020 Technical Issues

Elton0209 replied to Fut champs wins not counting
This is exactly what has happened to me yesterday, in my 20th win the player paused and quit but I took a loss and did not get gold 1 as a result. It is very unfair and I am seeing a lot of people com..
2:00 am, April 7, 2020 Technical Issues

EisenErmin replied to ICON SWAP ON MONDAY CONFIRMED! on November 9, 2019 12:23PM
Str8hii wrote: » Watch them have another get 15 fut champs wins objective after fut champs is over You can count on that for sure. 15 would be really bad for players that cannot get 15 wins in one..
12:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Eiktigers2002 replied to FUT CHAMPS TOTW 16 PLAYER PICKS ERROR
I opened my player picks from fut champs, and i god rare gold player.
9:00 am, January 2, 2020 Technical Issues

Egbiestar replied to Ea server disconnected 89th minute on fut champs when winning
@The_TBL Had the exact same problem, don't bother posting here I've had my topic for like 4 weeks and I didn't get any respond. Servers are awefull I'm lagging so hard..n
4:30 pm, March 7, 2020 Technical Issues

Egbiestar replied to Disconnected in 88th minute in champs..
Your servers are toast I keep getting disconnected, gg on this FIFA this game isn't even fun to play anymore it's just frustrating and infuriating!!!!
5:00 pm, February 10, 2020 Technical Issues

EgGyEdWaRdS replied to Cant open my fut champs rewards
These rewards are getting a joke now gold 2 in fut champs every weekend in this scripted game it doesnt matter what team i use weva i use my messi neymar and dropba or vardy and king i always get the ..
3:00 pm, January 23, 2020 Technical Issues

ELSALCFC replied to It’s really windy out there, should I risk playing futchamps? on November 2, 2019 11:27AM
Play Mousetrap by candle light? Futfanatic wrote: » Wait you can milk cats? I never knew. Of course! Have you never seen meet the parents, focker?
9:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ELSALCFC replied to Have people already abandoned this game???? on November 8, 2019 4:22PM
I’m not sure but I’m guessing a lot of the casuals already left. I’m having a hard time in fut champs this week. Now it could well be me as I’ve been in fairly bad form this week, but the play..
4:30 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

EBoomars01 replied to Squad Battles Difficulity
@Alcuardos It's not only a problem on squad battles. I've noticed the same thing on division rivals and fut champs. Of course squad battles is a bit of a weirder situation because of the same exact di..
8:30 pm, December 22, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Darko replied to How come it kicks me out of a fut champs game and i get the loss
It sounds like you may be having issues with your connection @Hichboy13. I would suggest taking a look at our Connection troubleshooting steps which you can find here:
11:30 am, April 6, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Darko replied to Fut champs
Hey @XxEnea21xX if the game is stuck then you will need to force close the game. If you let us know on what platform you are having the issue then I can share some troubleshooting steps with..
11:30 am, June 2, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Darko replied to Fut Champs Win Not Counting
Hey @dannycollier3 it sounds like you may be having issues with your connection. I would suggest taking a look at our Connection troubleshooting steps which you can find here:
6:30 pm, November 15, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Darko replied to FUT Champs Disconnected while winning 3-1
Hey @Solo24Player and @renadhc for your issues with your connection I would suggest taking a look at our Connection troubleshooting steps which you can find here: https://help.ea.c..
4:30 pm, December 20, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Darko replied to FUT Champs - no rewards
Hey @newstd1 if you are missing items you believe you should have received then you will need to speak with one of our phone or chat support advisers who will be able to advise you..
1:30 pm, December 12, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Darko replied to Disconnecting at beginning of rivals/fut champs matches
It sounds like you may be having issues with your connection @soccerkings98. I would suggest taking a look at our Connection troubleshooting steps which you can find here:
3:00 pm, November 29, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to was up 2-0 on fut champs didn't get win after disconnect
Hi @jovitheman,If your game session is interrupted the game will determine based on several factors whether the game is recorded as a win, loss or if it's replayed as if it never happened. This proces..
4:00 pm, December 28, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to futchamps error
Hi @cheeky-noe,Games don't crash because of a connection issue, are you getting a disconnect or a full crash? -EA Cade
8:30 pm, March 27, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Why im in the middle east sever i want to be on the urban sever
Hi @Xavi5H,Your server should be automatically detected when you launch the game and change accordingly. If you're referring to FUT Champs, that region cannot be changed once it's selected. ..
10:30 pm, December 3, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Took away futchamps games and gave me a loss because servers went down
Hi @THorangeiPWN,Not showing any issues at the moment on our side. I would suggest taking a look at our Connection troubleshooting steps which you can find here:
8:00 pm, May 1, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Subs on fut champs
Hi @UnbentBurrito15,Super odd. Can you try going into the Customize Menu and then selecting Profile - Delete and then delete anything in there that isn't a career mode save file. Then let me know if t..
10:00 pm, April 14, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Robbed of Win Fut Champs WL?
Hi @mitchsweg,If your game session is interrupted the game will determine based on several factors whether the game is recorded as a win, loss or if it's replayed as if it never happened. This process..
3:30 pm, May 2, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Rivals wins didn't give me champs points
Hi @CptDerpy738,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..
3:00 pm, May 2, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Randomly getting disconnected mid game in FUT champs
@Balzzey If your game session is interrupted the game will determine based on several factors whether the game is recorded as a win, loss or if it's replayed as if it never happened. This process is ..
4:30 pm, January 12, 2020 Technical Issues