
TeamofTanks2000 replied to Error message : personal settings 1 failed to load (Fifa 20)
1) sign in as a guest on your Xbox using a spare Xbox pad.2) you should be able to get onto all the menus with your guest account however you can’t obviously access any of your saves.3) head over to..
8:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

Tawny1604 replied to Your account has not earned access to the Transfer Market on the Web....
I've played 109 games also played career and volta. Completed most SBC's and I dont have acces either
5:00 am, December 10, 2019 Technical Issues

TMaher7 replied to Future Stars Promo Upgrade Objectives on November 6, 2019 4:33PM
PegLeg wrote: » Think this is what they'll end up doing with the storyline cards, although you're being a bit generous with +9 upgrades (aware it's hypothetical) Ah okay! To be fair, Vinicius had..
5:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

SuperLeeds05 replied to My career wont save!!
is there a fix for this.....I am on XBOX platform...bought my game in Novemeber ...dounloaded updates last month...still crashes...went out and bought a brand new one 7 days ago...same problem...Even ..
3:30 am, May 1, 2020 Technical Issues

SuperGazelle replied to Career Mode Randomly Crashing to Desktop
I did and nothing worked, however it turned out my drivers weren't up to date and that was causing the crashing. No issues now. Thanks for responding! ..
10:30 am, November 13, 2019 Technical Issues

Stanniebeertje replied to FIFA 20 - No Transfer Requests for Player Career Mode
Same issue. I'm now a 87 rated sporadic player at RB Salzburg for my 4th season... Tried loan instead, but only other low clubs mail me then. Very annoying bug, guess ill have to restart the career I ..
9:00 am, January 11, 2020 Technical Issues

Spoli2001lms replied to fifa 20 player career mode skill moves not working anymore on ps4
@Demorgan7 It’s been ages since the game came out and this was a problem since day one, multiple updates later and still nothing. Makes the game unplayable and I’m very disappointed
5:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

Simmonite replied to Player career changes the shirt number
Yep, got the same thing going on. Started after I was given an England squad number. After the Euros my number kept changing to my England squad number of 15 from my usual number 9
3:30 pm, November 16, 2019 Technical Issues

Shaunwooding123 replied to FIFA 20 - No Transfer Requests for Player Career Mode
@HUNT3R-EVZ It’s happening to me also
6:00 pm, January 18, 2020 Technical Issues

SgtFletcha replied to FIFA 20 Career Mode No Prize Money Received
@EA_CadeSame here with a 2nd league german Team. Mail promised 50 mio - got only 12 Mio EUR. Unplayable and very frustrating after fought a hard season -.-
5:30 pm, April 10, 2020 Technical Issues

Selgarr replied to Record Breaker's RTG: 20 Seasons (video intro) on September 21, 2019 1:09PM
I just noticed that Cristiano Ronaldo has 1,004 appearances. Does anyone think he will overtake Peter Shilton who has the most career appearances with 1,390? I don't think he will because although he..
7:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Selgarr replied to Record Breaker's RTG: 20 Seasons (Kit Help) on September 21, 2019 1:09PM
I just noticed that Cristiano Ronaldo has 1,004 appearances. Does anyone think he will overtake Peter Shilton who has the most career appearances with 1,390? I don't think he will because although he..
8:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Rsbhsingh replied to FIFA 20 PC : computer reboot
Im having the exact problem, but my problem is only during career mode, PC just restarts without any crash or error. Please let me know if you find a solution.The closest ive got is a full PC format, ..
6:00 pm, March 18, 2020 Technical Issues

Rfc_Paul1872 replied to Fifa heavily bugged since I updated
I am constantly getting the unidentified line ups in career mode and kick off since the update. I’ve tried deleting and reinstalling the game deleting all saved data but still got the same issue EA ..
9:30 pm, March 30, 2020 Technical Issues

Raf10 replied to Evidence of FIFA "BS" in fifa code. inisettings file from pc game files on November 5, 2019 4:54PM
Cheetah Thumbs wrote: » I have no doubt that these things go on Yesterday I was getting smashed 0-3. Couldn't do a thing. I didn't change anything, just made a sub around the 60th. From that minute ..
5:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

RVN_10 replied to Is there a website that show player position changes? on November 6, 2019 10:07AM
Sofifa is what you are after, however they only have the database for career mode players so no icons
10:30 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Queens11 replied to Future Stars Promo Upgrade Objectives on November 6, 2019 4:35PM
H_Mus wrote: » Queens11 wrote: » Who care for future stars promo the dumbest promo ea have ever released Let’s give players who have barely even started their career and hardly anyone has heard..
5:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Queens11 replied to Future Stars Promo Upgrade Objectives on November 6, 2019 4:31PM
Who care for future stars promo the dumbest promo ea have ever released Let’s give players who have barely even started their career and hardly anyone has heard of better stats than some of the best..
5:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Professor replied to Reckon we’ll get a RB Ramos at any point this year? on November 6, 2019 11:39PM
Max_1899 wrote: » oh xD diddnt know that. but either way. if he would get flashback it would be from his top years as cb, not from his starting career. for inform pos change he would also need to pl..
12:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Prftrm replied to New account - more than 120 games played. Web app still locked
Oh, so do i need to play other gamemodes too? it's not very clear, it's said you need to play fut, so ...I guess i'll play some career mode or online season then
8:30 am, February 8, 2020 Technical Issues

PluntoTheGreat replied to I can't connect to friend, Squad battles and Rivals works good
I have IPv4, at the beggining of my "career" with Fifa 20 I have connected successfully with one friend, now i know he have and had IPv6, but suddenly we couldn't connect, but with another friend I ha..
8:30 pm, January 4, 2020 Technical Issues

Player_3s5g3ei5 replied to fifa 20 ghost player in player career
@harleyman12345 Same here. I had a player in the oppositions half before kick off. Kind of funny but also annoying during the game
10:00 am, December 27, 2019 Technical Issues

PegLeg replied to Evidence of FIFA "BS" in fifa code. inisettings file from pc game files on November 5, 2019 4:41PM
Boommaametw3 wrote: » PegLeg wrote: » Boommaametw3 wrote: » PegLeg wrote: » BombSquadPuppy wrote: » PegLeg wrote: » Pocketsquareguy wrote: » Boommaametw3 wrote: » Pocketsquare..
5:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Peewee916 replied to Reckon we’ll get a RB Ramos at any point this year? on November 6, 2019 11:25PM
Max_1899 wrote: » why would we get rb ramos? he never plays rb Max_1899 wrote: » why would we get rb ramos? he never plays rb @Max_1899 he started his career at RB back when he was getting bent..
11:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

OIIIJazzOIII replied to Career Mode Issues Megathread on
This is unacceptable. Absolutely unacceptable. The pitch notes said this was fixed but according to this, it looks worse. It's a game breaker. I have been really excited about this release. The g..
1:55 am, November 11, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

OIIIJazzOIII replied to Career Mode Issues Megathread
This is unacceptable. Absolutely unacceptable. The pitch notes said this was fixed but according to this, it looks worse. It's a game breaker. I have been really excited about this release. The g..
2:13 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

NoTrustNoLovee replied to Career Mode Issues Megathread on
FIFA 20 Career mode FIRST TEAM ISSUES. (INCORRECT STARTING 11 and atrocious league table) Basically, I have been playing Fifa for some time now and I don't know which idiot programmer could mess ..
1:55 am, November 11, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

NoTrustNoLovee replied to Career Mode Issues Megathread
FIFA 20 Career mode FIRST TEAM ISSUES. (INCORRECT STARTING 11 and atrocious league table) Basically, I have been playing Fifa for some time now and I don't know which idiot programmer could mess ..
2:13 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

NiceWalk3 replied to AI player selection broken for player career.
I was playing on PS4 and this happens everytime.
1:00 pm, November 18, 2019 Technical Issues

NODRIF replied to [Manager Career Mode]Lost all signed transfers between 1st and 2nd season
Hi, Just to mention that I have exactly the same problem on the PS4 version with free signings and it simply ruins the career mode: spending so much time trying to find the best free signings for..
11:30 am, January 18, 2020 Technical Issues

Muzz1402 replied to FIFA 20 Crashing on PC
@broCedric this keeps on happening with Fifa on PC. I bought mine last Saturday and i have 3 cases on my EA account right now. Customer service only says to uninstall and install the game again or ask..
2:00 pm, January 16, 2020 Technical Issues

MurkingFools replied to Career Mode - Skill Moves on November 9, 2019 10:04PM
is there any part of this game that is not broken,
10:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Mike11THFC replied to My career wont save!!
Unfortunately EA have given up with career mode and to be honest I don't think they give a * about any of its issues that have been reported.All the Ea staff are only replying to the threads that are ..
3:30 am, May 1, 2020 Technical Issues

MickeeG replied to FIFA 20 - No Transfer Requests for Player Career Mode
Currently in my 6th season at Celtic, rated 93 and have been on the transfer list for 4 years without a single offer
2:30 pm, June 4, 2020 Technical Issues

MiGHT-TV replied to Career Crashing Everytime
Eh sorry, French is my main language but basically i thought i would get more answers by posting in english.
3:30 pm, December 20, 2019 Technical Issues

Methylcyclohexa replied to How Do I Unlock Edit Player On Career Mode? FIFA20 CHAMPIONS EDITION
From the in-game shop (the one you see at the top right corner).Dont remember how many coins it costs but I think you have enough judging by your picture. ..
12:30 am, January 22, 2020 Technical Issues

Max_1899 replied to Reckon we’ll get a RB Ramos at any point this year? on November 6, 2019 11:28PM
oh xD diddnt know that. but either way. if he would get flashback it would be from his top years as cb, not from his starting career. for inform pos change he would also need to play rb. but why would..
11:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

MadRedPirahna replied to fifa 20 ghost player in player career
Welcome Guys! It's some kind of bug in the game. You should report this to EA support. To do that follow the steps in this link: Re..
1:00 pm, December 27, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Progress is not saved even after pressing save and quit in career mode
Hey @saarinfinity Do you have much space left on your Hard Drive?The only thing I can suggest is double checking that you have the correct save selected when you're loading it.Thank You!/MadRedPi..
9:00 pm, June 24, 2020 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Kicked out of Fifa 20
Hello @Stingin_Roger67 This applies to career or online game?For online games I'd recommend trying the steps found in this article to help prevent this from happening in future. If you are g..
1:30 pm, June 27, 2020 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to FIFA20 stuck on opening credits since latest update- PC
Hey @adm_gn_aladeen Try using Repair Game1. Select My Game Library in Origin.2. Right-click on the game title.3. Select Repair Game. If this does not solve the problem, bring the game to its..
10:30 am, June 11, 2020 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to FIFA 20 Career Mode Freezes/Infinite Loading Screen
Hey @kismilliomos Have you tried a new save to see if the same thing happens?Thank You!/MadRedPirahna
4:00 pm, June 30, 2020 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Controller triangle and square not working when playing online
@DStaar75 Disable cloud saves in Origin, Application settings, Installations and Saved Game States. Turn them off. Then change the name of the FIFA 20 folder to e.g. FIFA 20 copy, this directory ..
7:30 am, June 19, 2020 Technical Issues

MAXLD replied to Move Career Mode to new Profile (PC)
Y, this happened to me today. Very annoying. The settings (files) got completely messed up (difficulty settings, control settings, sound sliders to 0, accessibility (brightness/contrast to 0), etc... ..
11:30 pm, March 5, 2020 Technical Issues

LongDeGea replied to FIFA 20 - No Transfer Requests for Player Career Mode
same problem here. Played Salford City with 90 rating, promoted to championship league at 3rd season being top scorers for 2 season with 2 league titles and FA cup. made transfer request numerous..
12:00 am, January 17, 2020 Technical Issues

LoLfcfcfc replied to My game keeps freezing Xbox one fifa 20
Happens to me playing career mode so nothing to do with my connection
2:30 pm, December 2, 2019 Technical Issues

LintonJesse replied to Career mode skill moves bug still present
Still not working with new saves, any more info on this issue?
5:30 pm, December 5, 2019 Technical Issues

Liam_safc1879 replied to Career Mode Issues Megathread on
Product: FIFA 20Platform:Sony Playstation 4What is your gamertag/PSN ID? Which mode has this happened in? Career ModeWhich part of the mode? Career mode - managerHow often does the bug occur? Every ti..
1:55 am, November 11, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Liam_safc1879 replied to Career Mode Issues Megathread
Product: FIFA 20Platform:Sony Playstation 4What is your gamertag/PSN ID? Which mode has this happened in? Career ModeWhich part of the mode? Career mode - managerHow often does the bug occur? Every ti..
2:13 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

LePomplemousse0 replied to fifa 20 player career mode skill moves not working anymore on ps4
Spoiler (Highlight to read)Yeah same problem here, happening on Xbox one. How has this not been fixed yet?Yeah same problem here, happening on Xbox one. How has this not been fixed yet?
5:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues