
Lukishok replied to We-are-sorry-but-there-has-been-an-error connecting you fifa 20 ultimate team .
@bombaboy_1993 Same problem. I wrote in support, they did not help and said that they would be engaged
5:30 pm, April 30, 2020 Technical Issues

Lukishok replied to We-are-sorry-but-there-has-been-an-error connecting you fifa 20 ultimate team
@harwindermalique Same problem. Support did not help
5:30 pm, April 30, 2020 Technical Issues

LukishA00 replied to Game won't start after installing gamepad drivers
I'm using Jetion JT-GPC031.@EA_Cade wrote:Hi @LukishA00,Which controller are you using?
8:00 pm, June 17, 2020 Technical Issues

Lukipapa84 replied to Fifa20 carrier mode PS4 crashing at the end of the first season
How you mean corrupted? So it's just wont work and I lost the whole season?
8:30 pm, March 5, 2020 Technical Issues

Lukebcfc2 replied to Banned from transfer market
I've been waiting for an answer for over a week. I just want to know if I will be banned for fifa 21 if so then I won't purchase it
9:00 am, June 26, 2020 Technical Issues

Same mate must just be the game
1:00 am, December 17, 2019 Technical Issues

LukaszZajda replied to [FIFA 20] Login verification - Wrong email EA has you somewhere, it's important that you spent the money ...
8:30 pm, December 2, 2019 Technical Issues

Lukasboy89 replied to MY PC is lagging too much after FIFA patch update on 12th March 2020
O have the same problem in the ps4. I gor sick ,after upeatw ibloat 45 games from 50 its insane..its too much..i normaly winn35-40 games from 50 ..* ea thyvonly know how to steal our money
1:30 pm, March 19, 2020 Technical Issues

Luis_EPS replied to Transfer Market locked on Web App and Companion App, played FIFA 19, and FIFA 20
Dont worry I created muy account 10 years ago...I pay for EA Access and I cant use The transfer market app...The account verification is for controling cheat issues and control double triple acc..
9:00 pm, November 18, 2019 Technical Issues

Lugstar1 replied to FIFA20 :Can't play with a friend online we both have PS4 pro :(
hi There solution worked thank you..
5:00 pm, April 25, 2020 Technical Issues

LugoviBB replied to cant connect to EA servers
thank you so muchchanging my dns to fixed the problem somehow
10:00 pm, April 3, 2020 Technical Issues

Lucyboy replied to FUT 20 Your account doesn't have a fut club
If i bought FIFA 18 and skipped FIFA 19 this means that i can't have access to the FIFA 20 web app? Because it says i do not have a FUT club associated with the account.
10:00 pm, November 14, 2019 Technical Issues

Luckynumber707 replied to Error ce-34878-0
If I want to play a season online (coop or single), FIFA crashes every time shortly after kick-off with the error code fifa CE_34878. Does anyone know the problem and has a solution?
2:30 pm, November 19, 2019 Technical Issues

Luchija_Madara replied to FIFA 20 PS4 stuck at connecting to ea servers.
Hi, I just bought the game 2 days ago and I have'n been able to play it. It gets stuck in the 'connecting to EA servers' menu, and I can not even press 'X' to cancel.
2:30 pm, June 16, 2020 Technical Issues

LucasOzLygoe replied to Link new ea account to gamertag
I’ve tried this several times but the email is so old I don’t remember anything about it. The form comes back saying I haven’t provided enough detail but I literally can’t give anything more. ..
11:30 am, April 25, 2020 Technical Issues

Luca114937 replied to Weekend league glitch/disconnect
Not worth it I got kicked out of a game at 0-0 and was given the loss, then I’m 2-0 up and unable to pause or change any tactics in the game when the match reaches half time the game freezes and has..
7:30 pm, May 3, 2020 Technical Issues

LuboshM replied to Can`t launch my brand new FIFA 20
Sure. Here it is.But, problem already solved. Everything seems to be OK. It was my big pretty common mistake. Game running properly from today. Thank You for your interest.But what you meant with "FIF..
7:00 pm, April 17, 2020 Technical Issues

Lu-tess92 replied to Fut champions qualification not working
No i can't play games. Could you do something about it please ?
3:30 pm, May 2, 2020 Technical Issues

LowkeyGod1999 replied to Stuck after opponent quit
closed app and got a win when i loaded back in. It doesn't always give you the win but they said thats the only way. View in thread ..
1:30 pm, November 24, 2019 Technical Issues

Louis1210 replied to Lost EA coins on
@willis4music Fifa 19 had inform 90 mbappe st on the market for 1,450,000 with a 1,700,000 buy now. 12h on the market. Somehow he sold later in the evening for 180,000. He was on the market for over 6..
1:55 am, November 11, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Louis1210 replied to Lost EA coins
@willis4music Fifa 19 had inform 90 mbappe st on the market for 1,450,000 with a 1,700,000 buy now. 12h on the market. Somehow he sold later in the evening for 180,000. He was on the market for over 6..
2:13 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

Louis1210 replied to I got hacked on fifa 20
@EA_Cade what about my account . The first year of fut I made 50k and my account was hacked. Someone listed bronze players and transferred my coins out by buying bronze players. I made a complaint abo..
2:30 pm, November 19, 2019 Technical Issues

@FlukeyLuk3y it's a joke. I sold the game because I had enough of the speed up lag. I play a lot of online games and never experience such a poor connection like fifa. Is it because the server cant ha..
1:30 pm, November 15, 2019 Technical Issues

LouieGordon replied to Green premier league overlay
Spoiler (Highlight to read)Just got this problem myself, causing much stress for my son with his Christmas present! Other than restarting is there any other fix?Just got this problem myself, causing m..
3:00 pm, December 27, 2019 Technical Issues

LorenzHo111 replied to Soccer Aid team needs a 2nd kit
Me too please do something ea
8:30 am, June 11, 2020 Technical Issues

LordToin replied to Fifa 20 crashes when submitting a team in SBC National Pride - Spain
Done. But no change. The game crashed again when I tried to submit the spain team in SBC National Pride
4:00 pm, January 17, 2020 Technical Issues

LordOscar95 replied to FUT Club - Established date changed
Product: FIFA 20Platform:Microsoft XBOX OneWhat is your gamertag/PSN ID? LordOscar95Which mode has this happened in? FIFA Ultimate TeamWhich part of the mode? FUT Division RivalsCan you tell us the da..
11:30 pm, February 23, 2020 Technical Issues

Loppin1 replied to Draft Token
Are you awere that people who play draft on origin gets disconnected atleast 10 times each round? Every time its against cheaters who are using software to trick the game. You can try it by yourselves..
6:30 am, June 23, 2020 Technical Issues

Loop2winTV replied to FIFA 20 PC - Game goes randomly to window mode
this is so annoying I have the same issues! what the hell I wasted so many player contracts with loan players, not to mention the games i lost,It happens 3 games out of 5 for me! unacceptable
10:00 am, December 25, 2019 Technical Issues

LongDeGea replied to FIFA 20 - No Transfer Requests for Player Career Mode
same problem here. Played Salford City with 90 rating, promoted to championship league at 3rd season being top scorers for 2 season with 2 league titles and FA cup. made transfer request numerous..
12:00 am, January 17, 2020 Technical Issues

LoneHunter9876 replied to Match start error (CAPTCHA)
I have the same exact problem, I tried to change my isp, my ip, dns address, clearing origin cache, and still no avail. I hope you're SOLVING the problem and not just giving us some troubleshooting ad..
7:30 pm, June 24, 2020 Technical Issues

LondonGodFather replied to Unable To Equip Volta Drop 7 Clothing
I’m having this same issue two with 2 separate items on Volta drop 7. OP did you buy the item that it won’t let you equip or did you win it by completing challenges? I’m asking because the..
4:30 pm, June 20, 2020 Technical Issues

Logeyy1923 replied to Can't connect to Ea servers
I'm in Michigan, the Detroit area. I looked and the servers were fine when I was trying to connect, it just wasn't letting me connect to them. It wasn't giving me an error code, just repeatedly saying..
4:00 pm, June 8, 2020 Technical Issues

LoftusCheekyy replied to clicking play doesn't launch the game
hey at least its going on steam next year
9:00 am, December 4, 2019 Technical Issues

LocoSaturn29 replied to Weekend League disconnect
Twice for me and 3 times for my brother 😂
9:00 pm, June 14, 2020 Technical Issues

Locarata replied to Fifa 20 (PC)- SCreen flickering
Thank you so much!! I will try it and I answer again to say if it fix my problem.Don't worry about the english, you and translator did it well haha
3:30 pm, November 22, 2019 Technical Issues

LoLfcfcfc replied to My game keeps freezing Xbox one fifa 20
Happens to me playing career mode so nothing to do with my connection
2:30 pm, December 2, 2019 Technical Issues

Littlecris1 replied to Futmas Mendy
@Littlecris1 My mistake I meant futmas
11:00 am, June 19, 2020 Technical Issues

LittleWakkers replied to Fut Champs Rewards Regular Gold Cards
Same here. Finished gold 3 and got gold players to choose from instead of FUT champions (not good ones either) ..
9:30 am, January 2, 2020 Technical Issues

LironEL92 replied to Servers keep kicking me in game on fut champions
I also stopped to play, next year I won't bother myself to buy this game.
2:00 pm, May 1, 2020 Technical Issues

LironEL92 replied to Disconnected during a game - lost rewards
Happened again, and no response from you guys for two weeks.
2:00 pm, May 1, 2020 Technical Issues

Lionheart990000 replied to Transfer market banned
it is now 3 weeks and my transfer market is still suspended, i am banned for coin distribution, will they lift the ban i did contact them through live chat every time i am told it is done by tos team,..
11:30 am, February 24, 2020 Technical Issues

Lionheart2000 replied to Literally UNPLAYABLE.
I think this issue is related to this: But my media is not virgin and I even post my speed test fr..
10:30 am, February 29, 2020 Technical Issues

Lionheart2000 replied to FIFA 20 Ultimate Team freezes when loaded
Hell, having the same issue, what information you need from us to solve this. Best regards, RG
10:30 am, February 29, 2020 Technical Issues

LintonJesse replied to Skill moves not working after update
Any news yet?!
4:00 pm, November 14, 2019 Technical Issues

LintonJesse replied to Career mode skill moves bug still present
Still not working with new saves, any more info on this issue?
5:30 pm, December 5, 2019 Technical Issues

Lindsaymc replied to FIFA 20 Pro Clubs
Sadly it didn’t work for me :/
2:00 pm, March 21, 2020 Technical Issues

LimpingVillain replied to FIFA 20 PC, online rivals lag
Hi @EA_Cade,I have used UOTrace and my results do not show any details for Ping AVG, % Loss, Pkts r/s or Ping Best/Worse... does that mean I'm not receiving anything? They're just completely blan..
5:00 pm, February 6, 2020 Technical Issues

Lidtang replied to Fifa 20 Draft not finding any opponents
NolsBoi12 I am in the exact same position as you! In NZ and can not find a game in 3rd round. I'm on PC so I think maybe there are just not enough players in this area. Easy to find Rivals and Champs ..
3:30 am, December 8, 2019 Technical Issues