
MadRedPirahna replied to Wrong email
To change email please follow this steps: Go to to Your account.Click on Profile.Click on Edit Profile.Change Email Address.Confirm Email Address change.Regardss..
11:00 pm, December 30, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Wrong Division Rival Rewards
Hello. You need to report this bug to support. To do that follow this steps: Spoiler (Highlight to read)Click Contact..
12:00 pm, December 26, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Wont Load FUT
Hello @Tqdzfl353oota ! What platform do you play on? Please try this steps: Check internet connectionRestart the modem / router If you play on PC: •Check har..
4:00 pm, December 27, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Weekend league, no rewards?
@Sergiorv27 This is some kind of bug. Many peaple don't recive their rewards. We cannot help you here. You should contact the EA support.
5:30 pm, December 30, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Weekend league disconections
Hello @dazzer2010 ! What platform do you play on? It will be helpful in solving the problem. Here are some links that can help you: BasicTroubleshooting Advanced Trouble..
1:30 pm, December 29, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Weekend League Not Working
Hello @ljcw1201 You can contact support with this problem: Click Contact Us.You can also click Contact..
3:30 pm, December 27, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Totw upgrade
This is some kind of bug. We can't help you here. Please contact EA support.
6:00 pm, December 30, 2019 Technical Issues

@wcs425This is some kind of bug. We cannot help you with that here. Please contact Game Adviser
6:30 pm, December 30, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Problems
@Proodos77 Problems may be on your side too.On what platform do you play? Please try steps in this links ( Choose your platform): BasicTroubleshooting Advanced Troubleshootin..
7:00 pm, December 30, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Points!
Hello @joshuaRiggs95 ! Many people report similar problems. If your order is not processed within 48 hours, you should contact support and apply for a refund:
12:30 pm, December 28, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to MICHAËL ESSIEN 87 Card
@Dapster1993 There are 3 diffrents icons variants of him.Here is the picture. ..
7:00 pm, December 30, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Help me
Hello @BifocalScroll37 If you get hacked the first thing in my opinion you should do is to reset your secret question on that original account. Hopefully you can do so. If ..
1:00 pm, December 27, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Fifa points on amazon
You bought a product from an uncertain site. If the code was incorrect then you may have been cheated. In this case, you should contact amazon support. If the code was correct and activated, your purc..
8:30 pm, December 30, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Fifa points
Hello You need to report this bug to support. To do that follow this steps: Spoiler (Highlight to read)Click Contact ..
10:00 pm, December 26, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Fifa Points not received
@benedictojmsb Hello How much time has passed since your payment? If your points do not appear in about 48 hours, you should write to support because there were similar problems before. The..
9:30 pm, December 25, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Fifa 20 crash
Hello @Dan_epty •Check if your device meets the hardware requirements. •Check if your drivers are up to date. •Run Origin and Battle for Neighborville as Administrator...
7:00 pm, December 28, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to FUT Champions DC: refund game?
Hello Guys! Earlier, many people reported such an error. It is unknown what is caused. If you want a refund, check this page. Maybe it is still possible: Spoiler (High..
7:00 pm, December 28, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to FIFA 20 Lag Freezing problem
@tabjonx This is an English forum. Please edit this post in english or delate and create a new one on forum in your language.Thanks
3:00 pm, December 31, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to ERRO AO ENTRAR NO SERVIDOR EA
@ViniciuZz_Rosa This is an English forum. Please edit this post in english or delate and post on another forum in your language.
6:00 pm, December 30, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to EA server issue and gameplay screen issue fifa 20
@withdoggOn what platform do you play?
8:30 pm, December 30, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to EA App issue. Hit clear squad and it instead submitted all my best players as an
@wcs425 Many people report issues like that. It's AHQ forum. We players cannot help you here.Please contact support:
7:00 pm, December 30, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Division rivals rewards mistake
Hello Guys. You need to report this bug to support. To do that follow this steps: Spoiler (Highlight to read)Click Co..
12:00 pm, December 26, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Division rivals matchmaking
@UnitedSmileYou still need to play a little and feed, and in the future you will certainly rect people like you now
7:00 pm, December 28, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Corrupted settings file
Hello @Jiras97Voiceman2 Try this steps: Turn off the PS4 completely when the device is off press and hold the power button. Release it after you’ve heard two beeps: one whe..
1:30 pm, December 29, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Charged for pack pack without opening
Hello. You need to report this bug to support. To do that follow this steps: Spoiler (Highlight to read)Click Contact..
1:30 pm, December 26, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Change passwird on fifa 20
Hello @reecemc29 To update the email on your account please see the instructions in this link:
1:00 pm, December 27, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Cant connect to ea server (fifa20 ps4)
@Najm141 Hello It should help with solvin your problem: •Restart the modem / router •Disable Firewall:- Click Start → Control Panel → Security and click Windows Firewall.- ..
12:00 pm, December 26, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Cannot launch FIFA 20 PC
@redu313 Hello. I think this may help you with solving your problem: Check if your device meets the hardware requirements. Check if your drivers are up to date. •Clear..
9:30 pm, December 25, 2019 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Banned from transfer market after account got hacked
Hello @yakaka ! If you want contact with EA support you nedd to follow the steps in this link: Spoiler (Highlight to rea..
5:30 pm, December 27, 2019 Technical Issues

MadMax8801 replied to ***** on
Hi all, I just created an EA account today so that I could play FIFA 19 online. But I have trouble with verification.It shows wrong email ID which i have no clue where it came from. Ho..
2:03 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

MadMax8801 replied to *****
Hi all, I just created an EA account today so that I could play FIFA 19 online. But I have trouble with verification.It shows wrong email ID which i have no clue where it came from. Ho..
11:00 am, November 19, 2019 Technical Issues

Mackw0w replied to Fifa 20 PC detect 2 controllers
@gilzinhooo Did u find a fix?It happened to me aswell. I have a xbox one wireless controller, with an adapter.
4:30 pm, June 17, 2020 Technical Issues

Macekk13 replied to SBC Vardy,Crash game
I have same problem with flashback Balotelli, after i send last part of sbc my game just crash ..
11:30 am, November 30, 2019 Technical Issues

MaccasFreeWifii replied to What size of a game mointer for Fifa 2020? Which model is right? How much hz?
@deafssfifa There's no 'right' monitor for any particular game, however there are right monitors for you. It will come down to your preferences in graphics and performance. Specs wise:Size: ..
2:00 pm, December 19, 2019 Technical Issues

MacGuyversa replied to The Contradiction Around Locked WebApp Market on November 5, 2019 7:11PM
Ridiculous. Still waiting for approval on transfer market. 280 games played and pre-ordered the game somewhere in June. I'm Belgian, so i can't buy fifa points. Doing transfers is my only way of maki..
7:30 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

MacGuyverSA replied to Can't access transfer market in Companion App
Same here! Is there really nothing that can be done about this?
10:30 am, November 18, 2019 Technical Issues

Ma7mooodHD replied to What division are you in/ where you finish in WL on November 5, 2019 3:15PM
Div1 and always G1
3:30 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Ma7mooodHD replied to Is Kurt video true ( alleged EA employees have gone AWOL) on November 5, 2019 3:14PM
Why EA doesn't take any notes from Epic *the company behind fortnite* ? Epic release a statement about the current state of their game every month or two. And whenever the players create an hashtag ab..
3:30 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

MR_Nobody_041 replied to Permanent Transfer market ban FIFA 20
@vik22aik Had the similar issue last Friday and requested for TOS review. No response yet, more than 72 hrs as they stated on their page. Really frustrating for that. I did nothing but bid some player..
11:30 pm, November 26, 2019 Technical Issues

MR_Nobody_041 replied to I QUIT FUT
@hamidzaibullah They just don't care if you quit or not. There are always players who is willing to join the game. They don't give it * to a particular player at all. I got banned my FUT for no reason..
11:30 pm, November 28, 2019 Technical Issues

MR_Nobody_041 replied to FIFA 20 Transfer Market Ban
@Xander57810 Could you tell me what you didi to get it unbanned? I did nothing but get transfer market banned. I have never bought gold or sold. Quite frustrating.
8:30 pm, November 22, 2019 Technical Issues

MR_Nobody_041 replied to Companion app transfer ban
@Baapstra You can wait or you can choose not to play this game any more. I have the same issue as you do.
12:30 am, December 8, 2019 Technical Issues

MR_Nobody_041 replied to Banned on transfer market
@Dsdlovesit how is your ban now. They reply really quick actually every time. Less than three days. But I still not able to get my account unbanned.
12:30 am, December 8, 2019 Technical Issues

MPare10 replied to SBC UEFA Marquee Matchup bug
Had the same problem so i switched to a team with at least 6 players from LA LIGA and ir worked. Ligue 1 for some reason isnt working. Another bug by EA ..
10:30 am, November 27, 2019 Technical Issues

MPL4 replied to Joe Gomez and Nathan Ake on November 7, 2019 6:27PM
Both Gomez and Ake have 79 reactions too, so it's not necessarily that eirher
6:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

MPL4 replied to Joe Gomez and Nathan Ake on November 7, 2019 6:25PM
DistinctDwayne wrote: » Speed, agility, balance and strength. I haven't checked the stats but they play like they're maxed out on all those things. Ake is ridiculous, never used Gomez. Militao is do..
6:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

MPL4 replied to I packed the worst 2 walkouts in fifa 20 in 1 pack (video) on November 7, 2019 11:23AM
Nice, but Silva and Bonucci aren't "insane" walkouts. Mediocre at best
11:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

MPL4 replied to How is potm Vardy? on November 9, 2019 5:05PM
I'd like to know. Altho I feel a bit sick as my team is shaping up to be gross. Storyline Zaha, POYM Vardy, Mane and Salah. I think I need to change it
5:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

MPL4 replied to HEY stupid EA-developers!!! on November 7, 2019 11:20AM
Clean up on aisle 3
11:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

MPL4 replied to Fix the bloody heading on November 6, 2019 12:23PM
I missed countless open goals because of this. I understand some players are better than others, but this is beyond the joke. An actual professional footballer, no matter who he is, wouldn't be making..
12:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion