
Hello. We have received your most recent correspondence expressing concerns about the action that was taken on your account. After thoroughly investigating your account and concern, we again found tha..
6:30 am, June 22, 2020 Technical Issues

6 title updates in less than 2 months
I don't think I ever remember so many updates in such a short time span in prior FIFA titles. Just goes to show how badly botched the release was. I seriously suspect that the developer team threw al..
6:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

6 times in a row now ea * sort it out
what reason does anyone have to quit a game when winning 5-0 * ridiculous as it stands im not on for my usual 14 wins in wl ill be lucky to get the last 2 for 11 this possibly couldve been my best wee..
9:30 pm, June 28, 2020 Technical Issues

6 disconnects in a row
I got disconnected 6 times in a row in Weekend league. My interview wasn't the problem as it it didn't disconnect anyone else, it said that the result would be reviewed but nothing happened.
7:00 pm, May 3, 2020 Technical Issues

500k to upgrade?? New icon??
This is my team and I love everything about it but I have about 500k. I don’t know if to trade to 91 maradona at CAM or even 91 Ronaldinho.
10:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

500 Games - Transfer market locked
HiI moved from PES To Fifa last june (FIFA 19)played 100 games fifa 19, 500 games fifa 20 in UTAll modes - fut champs all, dr, sb, online drafts, offline drafts, all the new shi tty couhch playstill n..
9:30 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

500 Games - Transfer Market still locked The only thing EA Can do is close the post what a funny SCUM
1:00 pm, November 14, 2019 Technical Issues

5 days now Fifa 20 FUT still crashing
This is ridiculous now it’s been 5 days now and my Fifa 20 FUT is still crashing
9:30 am, March 3, 2020 Technical Issues

5 Icons not appeared in quick sell recovery
I was share playing with my friend who discarded my 5 icons from my team whilst i was gone, so i quickly went to the quick sell recovery to claim them back and they had not appeared, so i waited a few..
12:00 pm, February 4, 2020 Technical Issues

451 formation
Hello, I want to give 451 a try. Does anyone use it? Is it any good? If so - how does it compare to other formations - is it balanced or on attacking side? I'd appreciate any advice/tactics/instructio..
1:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

442 or 4222... Which one have you had the most success with? I'm torn.
I'm thinking of trying one of these formations this WL but as I've never used either before I'm interested in what one has worked well for you guys? So far this Fifa I've used a Central CAM so im gues..
8:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

4411 is great this year
I know there is a huge tread on this but if you want to try a new fun formation this is it. I heard a lot of talk of the 442 flat and I tried it but was missing that central Cam play maker to dictate..
7:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

433(x) / non-meta discussion thread - (5) CTs and mini guide in first post
Custom Tactics 26th October Current tactic I'm using madwullie wrote: » For the (5) I'm using Poht 5/5 Balanced 6/4/3/3 LW: FR, GiB, SF CF: F9 RW: FR, CS CMs: GF, FR, CW CDM: CPL, DBD, CC FBs:..
11:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

433(4) Vs 352?
I'm looking for a new formation as 4231 just isn't working for me at all. I've decided between either 433(4) or 352, as I've heard good things about both. Which of these two formations do you think w..
6:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Has this formation died since the last patch?
11:00 am, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

4231 Vs 433(4)?
Out of 4231 and 433(4), which do you feel is the overall better formation in this FIFA? Are the two CDMs a game changer or are they not really necessary? I like having the two CDMs but I also like hav..
3:00 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

41212 (2) vs 4222
Need a bomber fornation guys. Probably going to with with one of these. Any help please?
10:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

400k for a LM/LW
Lookkng for a 400k left winger to link upto aguero. Is mane worth the money or base Robert Pires?
4:30 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

400 coin Bronze PACK GLITCH
Hi all when I try to open the 400 coins bronze pack i get a message saying " we're currently experiencing issues with the store. please try again later " However this do..
3:30 am, June 26, 2020 Technical Issues

400 COin Bronze packs cant be opened BUG
Hello, when I try to open the 400 coins bronze pack i get a message saying " we're currently experiencing issues with the store. please try again later " However this do..
3:00 pm, June 23, 2020 Technical Issues

I have permission from @Khangaskhan17 to start this thread and have gotten all info and pictures from him. I am really grateful that we can continue this in FIFA 20 as well. Will edit this a bit late..
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

4-0 up in weekend league, opponent disconnects and I don't get a win.
Hello, I rarely play weekend league but with the ultimate TOTS I was going to give it a go. At my third match I was 4-0 up (at 12:14h this noon) and the opponent disconnects. You would..
4:30 pm, June 5, 2020 Technical Issues

4 disconnects in a row in WL
i've got 4 disconnects in a row. I play with a wired connection. and i was winning these games. how about this EA???? i would have gold 1 if you didnt fuckt it up? i could go for elite 3 but you fuckt..
6:00 pm, May 3, 2020 Technical Issues

4 Disconnected Games While I was winning
This weekend I have been winning in 4 FUT champ games and have been disconnected right after I score a goal. I’m almost positive the connection issue isn’t on my side I play on a monitor that is p..
8:00 pm, June 28, 2020 Technical Issues

3rd week in a row im asking nothing been done.
@EASPORTSFIFA @EAHelp when are you going to sort the matchmaking options out for ps4.?????? Been asking for years I cannot play slow play I have mine set on fast and would like too play others in fut ..
11:30 am, February 15, 2020 Technical Issues

This is my first post here so pls be gentle lol. After trying numerous formations I have finally found one that I can get the best out of. I start with 352 and change to 3142. I tend to be around div ..
11:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

310k for Kyle Walker IF
Best wait until next week right? Surely he will drop to 250k, any reviews on him?
5:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

300k ST pair
BPL striker pair in front of Dembele and Scream Bernard. Aguero + rashford/Lucas maybe? Or aubameyang + someone?
3:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

I'm having a 30 fps problem in the game. When I first enter the game, it starts with 60fps. When the intermediate scene passes and the game's normal menu comes down to 30 fps. Menu transitions are ver..
12:00 pm, January 8, 2020 Technical Issues

3/20 - New Objectives not registering
so it says do 5 squad builders iv done but I didn't receive them as completed. which makes me think that this game is just a buggy mess at the moment which makes this game not playable. I was going to..
9:00 pm, March 20, 2020 Technical Issues

3 games in a row i am winning fut champs , they leave i get a lose ???
How is this happening . They pause and they quit, and then it says cant connect to ea servers at this time. AND i get a dnf lose. 3 times , not acceptable , but never gonna change
5:30 pm, April 25, 2020 Technical Issues

3 disconnected in a row in WL!
So i was playing WL today and I faced 3 disconnected in a row. First two was 0-0 and I got my matches back but the last one was just 88th minute and I was 3-0 up. This is soooo frustrating EA give me ..
8:00 am, April 10, 2020 Technical Issues

3 Champions disconnections without network problems
3 times in a row at the beginning of the game in FUT Champions, the game just said the opponent disconnected and I went back to fut champions hub. I want the support to make up for the 3 games I just ..
6:30 pm, January 25, 2020 Technical Issues

3 ATB formations thread Here is the 352 thread from 19, so I wanted to keep it running in 20 as well. Most likely I`ll build 352 again..
12:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

2nd PS4 User ID Can't Connect to EA Server (Fifa 20)
I create new user ID/profile in PS4. My objective with this new profile is to restart the objective in Fifa20 for online season & FUT. Profile successfully created but can't connect to EA server a..
10:30 am, May 6, 2020 Technical Issues

2m Ben Yedder Squad?
Looking to build a team around Ben Yedder , I have 2m to play with , any ideas? Thanks
7:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

220k gone
today i bought rttf sancho on the web app. when i went on my ps4 my money was gone and no sancho. this game can be unbelievable bad. S..
8:30 pm, December 10, 2019 Technical Issues

2200 fifa points not showing
hi i bough 2200 fifa points and its not showing
4:30 pm, January 20, 2020 Technical Issues

2-2 pen in min50 he leaves I draw
Is this a Joke?I get a penalty min50 when it is 2-2. He gets a red card. He leaves the game before I can take my penalty. How How hoooooooow is it even possible that I don’t get a win for that?..
2:30 pm, March 28, 2020 Technical Issues

2-1 up in the 117th minute disconnected and lost
i was winning but the servers dc and i got the loss and the game counted
3:30 pm, May 1, 2020 Technical Issues

2 weekend league games counted as DNF whilst winning.
So twice yesterday I had games disconnect (not from my end) after just scoring, one game to make it 4-2, the other 1-0.. would normally be given the win, but they somehow counted as a DNF on my side??..
9:30 am, April 6, 2020 Technical Issues

2 ultimate teams 1 ea account
i was trying to get my ultimate team on two consoles and now the new ultimate team is now the main one i think as it is my web app and companion app but i want the original playstaion ultimate team to..
2:00 am, April 15, 2020 Technical Issues

2 player (local) control system error?
Hi all, We are getting an issue where me and my friend both use different control systems, him alternate, me classic. when we go into side select before a kick off game, if he selects altern..
8:30 pm, January 5, 2020 Technical Issues

2 game quits fut champs both taken from my game count
one game I winning quits but my games left reduces to 5...second one as soon as he goes 3-2 up quita and I lose another game to have 1 left but two wins needed for next rank.
1:30 am, June 15, 2020 Technical Issues

2 days in row without ea servers...
Just fix the servers!!!!!!
10:00 am, April 15, 2020 Technical Issues

2 days and counting
Same is happening to me, game crashes as soon as I open FUT. I’m on a PS4 and Virgin Media for broadband. Not been able to play weekend league, the least they can do is give everyone affected entry ..
1:30 pm, March 1, 2020 Technical Issues

2 Weeks without answer from EA or TOS
Almost 2 weeks, and still no answer from EA or TOS team, about my bann. Please EA, i payed for the game and still cant play it for almost 1 month.
4:00 pm, January 14, 2020 Technical Issues

2 April 2020 (FUT Champs Rewards problem)
2 April 2020 (FUT Champs Rewards problem) i didnt receive my rewards
8:00 am, April 2, 2020 Technical Issues

1m into Rashford?
Selling at 20k currently, surely he will rebound
3:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion