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ab0_3mr replied to Unable to connect to EA server


7:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Unable to connect to EA server

@Gianvt Gotcha, I would run through these real quick then if those steps don't resolve the issue please run the UO trace in the..

7:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

maditou1 replied to i'v been banned of transfermarket after my account been hacked

i deserve it because someone hacked my account? or u just don't believe what i said? i wish that u get through the same experience and someone tell u that u deserves it... thanks

7:00 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

Topspin2005 replied to Constantly disconnecting since the game launched!

I am German and have exactly the same problem. Fifa19 and other games work fine! 

6:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

mannyjr1990 replied to Stamina

@EA_Cade It’s a player career so I dnt have a lot of tactical freedom, but I never put it on attacking. My dude has 80 stamina but as soon as he touches the ball the stamina drops and drops rap..

6:00 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Stamina

@mannyjr1990 I'm not seeing this behavior in my games, are you using a high press or something? Can you share what your tactics are set as? -EA_Cade

6:00 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

spursboy68 replied to EA ORIGIN ACCOUNT HACKED

I’ve spent hours trying to do exactly the same thing. Any help out there please?

6:00 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

lordosfajitas replied to Squad Battle error

@BGAlumFIFA I Only played 22 games and had refreshes left, that why I'm concerned. Also as i pointed out in the previous post, I got disconnected after the game was over, and as I believe it was becau..

5:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

shaheen756 replied to Constantly disconnecting since the game launched!

@EA_Cade I am not. I am on Spectrum ISP in Massachusetts. I am on community internet that Spectrum provides to residential buildings so I do not have access to the router. However, FIFA 19 works ..

5:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Constantly disconnecting since the game launched!

Hi @shaheen756,Sorry for the delay! The issue that troubles me on your pathping and traceroute is that your speed is fine throughout, you just reach a point where you can just no longer connect to us...

5:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

hyam01 replied to fifa 20 player career mode skill moves not working anymore on ps4

The only way right now to have skill moves to your pro player in career mode is to instead of selecting to create a pro player is to use a real player in player career mode. Create a pro player before..

5:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

LePomplemousse0 replied to fifa 20 player career mode skill moves not working anymore on ps4

Spoiler (Highlight to read)Yeah same problem here, happening on Xbox one. How has this not been fixed yet?Yeah same problem here, happening on Xbox one. How has this not been fixed yet?

5:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

viiictor4 replied to fifa 20 player career mode skill moves not working anymore on ps4

I play a whole season with my player just sprinting around and I gave up even tho my players overall is 94 it’s no fun without skill moves

5:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

Spoli2001lms replied to fifa 20 player career mode skill moves not working anymore on ps4

@Demorgan7 It’s been ages since the game came out and this was a problem since day one, multiple updates later and still nothing. Makes the game unplayable and I’m very disappointed

5:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

JuroS replied to fifa 20 player career mode skill moves not working anymore on ps4

Still there?I didn´t play career for custom player anymore as they were not able to fix this sh*t in 2 months :/I´m so dissapointed by EA.

5:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

milbcm replied to fifa 20 player career mode skill moves not working anymore on ps4

Its the game code. When you start a career its starting you at 5 stars. When you earn stars you lose them instead of gaining them. 

5:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

Demorgan7 replied to fifa 20 player career mode skill moves not working anymore on ps4

There is an update right now, hope this is included 

5:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

danielesc17 replied to fifa 20 player career mode skill moves not working anymore on ps4

@Demorgan7Thats a bug, its already reported on the Career Mode Issues Megathread but still no response from EA EDIT: Addresed here

5:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

GamesNunes replied to Fifa 20 Input lag Xbox online/offline

Problemas no fifa 20 (offline)1)Comandos com muito lag, os jogadores demoram para executar as ações, principalmente quando são apertados váriosbotões ao mesmo tempo. A busca pelas animações de ..

4:00 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

WuschiFIFA replied to Fifa 20 Input lag Xbox online/offline

hey, any news or progress? We are discussing the issue also here:

4:00 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

deepseavortex replied to Fifa 20 Input lag Xbox online/offline

As an update to this post, I have spoken to three more EA support staff and my problem has been elevated to a specialist who will be sending me a message in an unspecified time frame. I tried deleting..

4:00 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

KamilTsubasa replied to Fifa 20 Input lag Xbox online/offline

hey there i have same issue i bought digital ultimate edition downloaded it and its been nightmare since  unresponsive gamplay and i am stuck i have done everything possible to fixed it and no ch..

4:00 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Darko replied to A question about EA Servers - Middle East

Hey @ArturNik17 I would suggest taking a look at our Connection troubleshooting steps which you can find here:   It'll ta..

3:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

ArturNik17 replied to A question about EA Servers - Middle East


3:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

romannet replied to Fifa 20 button delay and slow gameplay (SEA)

Better question - any region where is not delay or laggy and slow gameplay?

3:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

Sidi1968 replied to Fifa 20 button delay and slow gameplay (SEA)

Me too , couldn't play, After 60 min .players look handicape..

3:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

karelvl replied to Fifa 20 button delay and slow gameplay (SEA)

I have the same problem! It drives me crazy!!!!

3:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

Mariio90 replied to Fifa 20 button delay and slow gameplay (SEA)

me too.....the first few weeks were fine. Now it's so slow and unplayable, i like to play quick attacking football...i now find myself having to pass 100 times to be able to get up the pitch! non..

3:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

Kurechko7 replied to Fifa 20 button delay and slow gameplay (SEA)

Yes buttons are lagging and game keeps going slow lost like 5 games cuz of that :/. Hope it goes away

3:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

Zorros91 replied to Fifa 20 button delay and slow gameplay (SEA)

they dont even care they are trash.

3:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

Kovac2003 replied to Fifa 20 button delay and slow gameplay (SEA)

@DryDryDry Me too but I am from EU and it's only in Ultimate Team other online things dont have button delay

3:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

g00ders_66 replied to Fifa 20 button delay and slow gameplay (SEA)

@DryDryDry Yep, ruining the game for me, it was so good the first week, now everyone is playing its rubbish.

3:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

Gynhard replied to Fifa 20 button delay and slow gameplay (SEA)

@DryDryDry yes me too, and i facing that issue on pro club too

3:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

Reband_game replied to There was a problem communicating with Fifa ultimate team servers

@EA_Cade can you check the result?I live in the middle eastSulaymaniyah, Iraq too.  ..

2:00 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

otu16 replied to There was a problem communicating with Fifa ultimate team servers

Hello! What should we do?I win the game but get disconnected at the end of the game and counts as losing.I m about go crazy.please help!

2:00 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

azad_gt replied to There was a problem communicating with Fifa ultimate team servers

Hi @EA_Cade  I live in the middle eastSulaymaniyah , Iraq 

2:00 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to There was a problem communicating with Fifa ultimate team servers

Hi @azad_gt,Sorry to hear it. There isn't anything blocking your connection on your account, where are you located? -EA_Cade

2:00 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

BGAlumFIFA replied to ask

@Kristian1603 Have you recently logged into your console or through the game?

11:30 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

Kristian1603 replied to ask

@Kristian1603 So please help me getting out of this

11:30 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

usim786 replied to Companion app selected wrong player in transferlist

I had the same issue with it showing the wrong thing and then a otw being quick sold. Is your case resolved? I’m still waiting for someone to get back to me for over a week now

11:00 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Companion app selected wrong player in transferlist

Hi @13bradster,Hello! If you're missing content you'll need to speak with an advisor at or at @EAHelp on Twitter.We can't assist with this type of issue via AHQ. ..

11:00 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

williamkappert replied to Fifa 20 online not working!!!

If i start fifa 20 its says that I need to login with my ea account but it only links me to this site to ask for help. I can play everything but online and if I try to do anything in the game with onl..

10:00 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Darko replied to Fifa 20 online not working!!!

Sorry to see that you are having issues @Reep0ManPL.   Do you have multiple EA Accounts by any chance as it could be a case that you are logged into a secondary account that is not linked to..

10:00 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

Christakis99 replied to Servers

I have PS4 console

10:00 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

XxIronsidesXx replied to i'v been banned of transfermarket after my account been hacked

I think you deserve it m8

9:30 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

ikbenmikew replied to PS4 - my CM is constantly crashing in various screens

@EA_Cade Good day, so... I started a new CM and played for another 4 hours this weekend. In the beginning all was fine but after the first transfer window, after I played the first competition game th..

9:30 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to PS4 - my CM is constantly crashing in various screens

@ikbenmikew Hiya, sorry to hear it. Does this happen in any career mode or just the one? -EA_Cade

9:30 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

obinodmx replied to I pre-ordered FIFA 20 Ultimate Edition but didn't get any of the perks

@EA_Cade This is the solution, where all others have failed for me. Thank you kindly

9:00 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

GerungGrunge replied to I pre-ordered FIFA 20 Ultimate Edition but didn't get any of the perks

here is my dxdiag file, same error keep crashing with Ryzen 7 2700x + GTX 1070  ..

9:00 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

smokro88 replied to I pre-ordered FIFA 20 Ultimate Edition but didn't get any of the perks

The game instantly crashes at loading. When the text "Retrieving data from server. Please wait..." appears, the game shuts down and gets me to desktop.printscreen I discovered that the only way t..

9:00 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues