List Discussions

international manager offer not working
i redeem the international manager offer in the catalogue and its not working
11:00 am, March 17, 2020 Technical Issues

Game disconnected after I won the match
Dear All,I’m writing regarding fifa 20 issues, as it’s becoming annoying, and made me really unhappy about the game, in the weekend while playing the weekend league, and today while playing rivals..
10:30 am, March 17, 2020 Technical Issues

Fifa unable to retrieve account information
Hello! I have been facing a problem in fifa 20 and that is its showing "Unable to retrieve account information. Please try again" and probably for this reason i am not being able to play online... Ple..
9:30 am, March 17, 2020 Technical Issues

Unable to connect to EA servers FIFA 20 Xbox One
Hello, I cannot connect to EA Servers for some loads then the message "Unable to connect to EA Servers...Check internet connection..." Ok, so i tried to do the steps from here:&nb..
9:30 am, March 17, 2020 Technical Issues

can't connect ultimate team whit banned msg
i recieve this note when im trying to connect fifa 20 ultimate team. your account has banned permanently due to a violation. please tell me why??? which reason made me banned why you banned me? i didn..
9:30 am, March 17, 2020 Technical Issues

Pacchetto regalo twitch
Non riesco a ricevere il pacchetto regalo Twitch anche se mi da la conferma di invio
8:30 am, March 17, 2020 Technical Issues

I haven't received my verification codes
Hi I tried to link my EA account to Twitch but I haven't received the security code, I have tried various times and nothing happens, i don't know what seems to be the issue but I would like to receive..
8:30 am, March 17, 2020 Technical Issues

Pack luck
Yesterday i opened 4 gold 7500 packs... i know... you must be very lucky to pack something over 82 rated in such a pack... butt zero rare players in 4 packs back to back... that is just ridicilous.&nb..
8:00 am, March 17, 2020 Technical Issues

Game freezing
My Fifa 20 is just freezing but not coming back I’ve done all the connectivity solutions and nothing is working
2:00 am, March 17, 2020 Technical Issues

Game disconnection
So it was supposed to solved but every time I finish a game I get booted from ultimate team and get a loss when I l9g back in I have been relegated 3 divisions now because it's happaning after every g..
1:00 am, March 17, 2020 Technical Issues

Pro Clubs match results not counting
Hello, We're on 9 points in div 1 on pro clubs. Just played two games and won both however we're still on 9 points and the matches aren't showing up in our match history. Please can you fix?..
12:30 am, March 17, 2020 Technical Issues

I accidentaly overwrite a new career mode save file on my old one .Can i recover
I accidentaly overwrite a new career mode save file on my old one .Can i recover it ?
11:30 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Onde estão meus fifa points???
Comprei 2200 Fifa points e não recebi! A compra já foi confirmada e nenhum link me ajudou. Quem vai resolver isso pra mim??
11:00 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

I can't advance in squad battles
I have been playing a few games in squad battles and winning but getting 0 points, this problem is happening now and happened yesterday and I couldn't get points and get better prizes.. Why ..
11:00 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

No longer have access to the email associated with EA Servers.
I have tried to discuss this issue with three or four online customer support reps already and I even submitted a webform for a new case. I just bought this game yesterday and I'm trying to get connec..
10:30 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Accidental discard
My friend discarded my FUT Van Dijk I please want it back Solved! Go to Solution.
9:00 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Disconnecting while In Game
Hi, Why do I keep on getting disconnected while in-game or even when trying to log in? This happens on a daily basis at night and it is really pissing me off especially when in-game. I usually en..
9:00 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Fifa 20 Ultimate Team - No coins?
I’ve been playing Ultimate Team for the past couple of Hours. Everything working fine until i discovered that i wasn’t recieving any coins for the games. The issue occured in almost every game mod..
8:30 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

People quitting all time 6 row
Quick ReplyI'm not the world's best player by far but people quitting now on this game it's becoming...
8:00 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

This is a joke. My game freezes all the time. Cost me elite 2 in wl. Now stuck in rivals. When opp pauses the game or right at the end of the game, gets stuck panning the stadium ea chat no..
7:30 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Can’t connect to servers
Hey, for the past 3 weeks I have been unable to connect to servers, sometimes it logs me in and when I open ultimate team it crashes again. My internet connection is fine and everything else works inc..
7:00 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

All saves disappeared
So i was starting origin and it told me it was in use by another computer, found this very weird already but didnt think too much of yet as i heard this can also be simply a bug.So then i went into fi..
7:00 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

FIFA 20 Ultimate Team - XP Issue
Hello, I'm currently playing FIFA 20 Ultimate Team. I've been playing it for a while (Only playing Squad Battles) and getting XP toward the season objective. But since this new season came a couple of..
6:00 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Hello everyone, I'm experiencing a new type of FIFA 20 crash and although I've contacted support, they've claimed that it's not the games fault. So, I'm playing UCL game mode with all the teams select..
5:30 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Line ups in career
When in career mode and teams come out on the field and it shows you the line ups all teams have undefined as there names????? Anyway of sorting this out ..
4:30 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Disconnecting from the first few matches. PC
HiWhen I start the game at the first few matches I getting disconnected after few minutes and get a draw from all online matches, offline matches works fine. I tried a lot of things, closed everything..
4:30 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

FIFA 20 Download Error
EA SPORTS™ FIFA 20 to D:\Installed Program\FIFA 20\Patch\Win32\contentsb.toc_DiP_STAGED. I am facing this problem while downloading FIFA. Please help me
4:30 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

EA server disconnected. Squad battle lost
Hi EA team, My internet connection is great but I have been disconnected from Fifa 20 ultimate team several times just after I won a game and all the progress I made is gone. This has happened se..
4:30 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

I have make a few SBC but the pack never show, its already 4 pack that i dont get it and another 2 with weekly objectives, can please some help me to try to get my packs. ..
4:30 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Xbox one
Game keeps freezing when you try to save game on champions league mode and tournament mode
4:00 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Missing my clubs pro player
I didnt find my player on clubs pro, i already have a 87 rating player, when u i want to play clubs pro they told me to creat a new player and the 87 rating player doesn't exist anymore.
3:00 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Update eas fc catalogus 1crash fifa 20
Hi ea. After the latest updates, my online division rivals and weekend league stopt working. It than reports Update eas fc catalogus 1 has crashed. What can i do about it? ..
2:00 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Player listed for 200k instead of 20k
Headliner delaney got listed for 200k instead of 20k
2:00 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

connection to your
Product: FIFA 20Platform:Sony Playstation 4What is your gamertag/PSN ID? Which mode has this happened in? FIFA Ultimate TeamWhich part of the mode? FUT ChampionsCan you tell us the date (MM/DD/YYYY) t..
1:00 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Pro club, all data loss
Goodmorning, please help me, our club has been eliminated without reason, we are in D10 now ! this is crazy please help me
12:00 pm, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Fifa 20 Copa De Lib in Career Mode
I've played two seasons of the Argentinian League as Independiente and won the league once and about to win it again. I also won the South American Cup competition. The Libertadores shows up in the Ke..
11:00 am, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

I have band in mobile market
I have band in mobile market How can I remove it Solved! Go to Solution. ..
3:00 am, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Ps4 ea servers crash after game
I posted this a few days ago and it was fixed for PC only. I lost 6 FUT champions games even though I won 4 of them. Including two penalty shootouts. You cannot imagine my anger that I feel after I wi..
2:30 am, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Demand answers and compensation for games disconnecting.
For almost two weeks now I’ve been receiving a message after squad battles games that I completed that the EA servers can’t process my request. They claimed to fix it and yet here we are, and it..
2:00 am, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Código de verificación
Me obliga a introducir un código de verificación q reenviado a un correo del cual no didpongo(
2:00 am, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Will you do anything about cheaters on PC for fifa 20? This is not entertaining at all. 95% of online users are using Legacy Defending cheat. This is a tragedy. You don't even have a report button. Yo..
12:00 am, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

FIFA 20 input delay and slow gameplay
So it has come to a point where i logged in here for a last attemt to do something about my slow gameplay and input delay on FIFA 20 ultimate team. Its literally all the time, every game. I got good d..
12:00 am, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Game diconnected at end of matcg
I was playing fifa clutching to get to gold 1 on squad battlesand I got disconnected just before the the match facts screen and a notification popped up and told me that I lost connection to ea server..
12:00 am, March 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Fut rivals gameplay very slow and button delay
I played rivals match it’s so slow and terrible button delay.
11:30 pm, March 15, 2020 Technical Issues

Freeze of game and disconnect
During the whole evening here in Spain it is quite impossible to use the online services. Each game, fut or seasons is facing freeze of game and afterwards a disconnect from ea networks. What is going..
11:30 pm, March 15, 2020 Technical Issues

EA-Server down...agaaaaaain!
Every weekend the server goes down!Now since 2hours in Austria.2 weeks ago, the complete weekend the EA-server was down. A lot of people pay a lot of money for FIFA-points and than the can't even..
10:00 pm, March 15, 2020 Technical Issues

I had really bad gameplay this past weekend. Now I am trying to play squad battles and keep getting kick out of FUT champs. It keeps saying “ea server unable to process my request”. I ran a s..
10:00 pm, March 15, 2020 Technical Issues

We were unable to get your latest saved data
Fifa 20, can only play offline.Then when trying to connect to EA servers keeps saying you lost connection. This site is useless for support.
9:30 pm, March 15, 2020 Technical Issues

FUT20 - Can't defend in Rivals
The tacke / defend is not working by me. I deleted local saves in game and on the xbox and restarted the console. I set up my local profile a new but problem is still there. If i try to defend my play..
8:30 pm, March 15, 2020 Technical Issues

I don’t have schmicel icon swap why plz fix it
I don’t have schmeichal icon swap plz fix this error Solved! Go to Solution.
7:00 pm, March 15, 2020 Technical Issues